Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Market

I got up early this morning because I needed to be there to set up for the Military Ave. Market at 8 o'clock. The doors opened at 9 o'clock and there was a nice steady stream of people for the two hours that I was there. I sold two copies of The Seaview while I was there and they sold one more The Seaview and one copy of Horizon after I left. My goal was to sell one book. Blew that out of the water. I've signed up and paid my share to attend the remaining seven markets this winter. I hope that my selling streak continues. Guess I'd better get cracking on signing up for a tax number so I can pay sales tax before someone catches on.


I left the market early because I had a date with LC for her birthday shop. I picked her up and we went to IHOP for lunch where she had a short stack of chocolate pancakes with chocolate chips in them, chocolate chips on top, and a chocolate sauce drizzle, with a squirt of whipped cream on top. Whew, that's a lot of chocolate. She managed to eat half of them. She had a pink lemonade too. Then we tackled the mall, spending time in Claire's for headbands and earrings, Bath & Body Works for lotion and hand sanitizer (there was a lot of fragrance sniffing), and Icing for more earrings. We cruised the rest of the mall but she wasn't interested in clothes or shoes so we called it a day.

The only drawing I did today was the Daily Art prompt which said to draw ears. Since I didn't have anyone else's ears to draw I managed to take a picture of my ear with my phone and drew it. I think I did okay. And I included the bee earring that I bought today. Actually I got a pair but I only drew my left ear, there's a bee earring in the right one too.

When I got home this afternoon I filled the birdfeeders and the peanut wreath and managed to catch the first squirrel stretching across to nab a peanut. I'm sure it'll take a day or two to lure back more birds and squirrels. You can see how dreary and overcast it was today. That picture was taken at around 3 o'clock. I want sun!

And that's it for me today. I went to Michaels for some yarn because I had two $5 vouchers that were threatening to expire so I had to spend them. Can't let those things go to waste.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Congrats 👏 on your book sales. Sounded like a great day all the way around. Had to be fun shopping with LC.