Thursday, January 5, 2023

A Dusting

Okay, maybe it was a half-inch of snow that fell this morning. It was the wet, heavy stuff that's a pain to shovel but it's great for holding squirrel footprints. The patio was covered with footprints when I opened the drapes this morning.

That's because I filled the peanut wreath yesterday afternoon and it took until this morning for the squirrels to figure that out.

I went down to the Central Library this morning to find a table with a few totes of children's books which I just had to move to the other end of the sorting tables because the children's books are sorted by a special team. Then I just had a cart of books to deal with. It took about an hour to deal with them. Evidently the staffing crisis has hit the library because they're closed to in-person visits on Saturday and Sunday until further notice. Yikes.

I found this picture of a rabbit on the title page of Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals. I'm really enjoying copying the Dr. Seuss figures.

Then in Sketching I found this picture of an owl pirate. Arr. The little skull and crossbones on his hat might have been the most interesting part to draw.

It was still gray and dreary today but the sun is supposed to start peeking out tomorrow afternoon. That means that it'll be colder because the cloud cover will go away but I do think it's worth it for a few days of sunshine.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I can't imagine the library being closed on Saturdays. If you have a M-F job, that would be the only day you could get there. Not good.