Friday, January 13, 2023

Not Today

No sunshine today--again. It was overcast and windy today with the wind cranking out of the North making all of the feeders sway and it was cold enough to refreeze the side of the birdbath farthest away from the heater.

I had the camera up and ready to snap a picture of a Sparrow on the birdbath so you could see that the water was freezing again when the Nuthatch flew up and into the shot. Cool! I took another picture of the Nuthatch getting a drink but it's not as interesting as this one when it's coming in for a landing.

The next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Swallow. It was an easy one to draw, especially the feet since it's on the wing with its feet drawn up into its belly.

Then I turned to the next page in Drawing Cute to find a cupcake and a donut. This time I managed to draw them big enough so that they didn't look like they'd fit on a postage stamp.

I didn't do much knitting this week, just wasn't in the mood, so tonight's three hours of knitting added a lot to triangle 7 of the Limited Edition Wingspan. You can see the little silver marker charm on the right side of the small circle where I stopped tonight. Maybe I'll get the oomph to finish off this triangle this weekend and then start the eighth and final triangle. Like I said, I'm running out of enthusiasm for this project but I'm afraid to put it down for fear I won't pick it back up.

I think tomorrow I'm going to go downstairs and start sorting through my yarn stash. It's something I should do once a year to refresh my memory for what's down there and to make sure nothing has moved in. It's all bagged and in totes so there's little chance of that happening but it's a good idea to make sure.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Your shawl looks beautiful and big!! Love the flying bird and the cute baked goods. Hope you get some sunshine today 💛.