Sunday, January 15, 2023

More Melting

It got up to 41 degrees today so the leftover snow from just before Christmas is almost gone. There's a good-size patch of it in the backyard, as you can see, and a little on the patio, oh, and the drifts along the driveway and the street where the snowblower and the snowplow pile it up, but mostly it's brown outside. And we had sunshine from about lunchtime on. We also had a sharp little wind which made it feel colder but I went to the grocery because I was out of bananas and grapes and it was excellent to be out in the sunshine even for a few minutes.

Despite the sunshine I didn't have much energy to do anything today. I pulled out 10-Steps:Nature and drew the next figure which was a Hermit Crab. I was quite intimidated by it when I saw what it was but I decided to try and managed it pretty well.

Next I tackled the next page of Seuss-isms and that wasn't as successful an attempt. I don't know what this creature is supposed to be but it's supposed to be thinking hard. Mm, maybe, maybe not.

And that's it. I spent the rest of the day listening to an audiobook. Not knitting, just listening. Some days are like that.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I agree-- some days are uneventful. We just watched football over and over and over!!