Friday, January 27, 2023

How Late Did You Sleep?

It was 10am when my eyelids peeled open, drifted closed, and then opened wide. Ten o'clock! I guess that's what happens when you have a busy day and don't go to bed until after midnight. Sleeping that late made my morning routine that much later but I still did yoga and step aerobics.

I saw the first squirrel I've seen in days this morning when it was burrowing under the new-fallen snow for one of the peanuts that I'd flung out there the other day. You can see by the birdbath glacier how much colder it's gotten and how much snow we got overnight. I did not clear the driveway because, well, because I just didn't have the time and I didn't want to. It was windy and cold and I didn't want to go out. So there.

Painting went okay today. I revisited the leaf wreath painting part of Beginning Watercolor and tried out the new brush I got from Amazon. It's a size 14 round and it's just too big. I painted the branch in the lower left with it. I don't feel like I can control it and even though it's a "good" brand of brush it doesn't form a point when it's wet. That makes it hard to control and hard to make nice lines. I think I'll stick with my size 12 round which looks like the one that she uses anyway.

I have a 1:30pm Zoom with women writing friends that ran for a couple hours so that ran into my painting and drawing time. I managed to finish the painting lesson but only got this pig drawn out of Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals. There's also a goat on this page and I have room for it in my sketchbook. I'll draw the goat tomorrow.

Tonight at Friday Night Knitting I (finally) finished triangle number 8 on the Limited Edition Wingspan. All that's left to do it knit three more rows of garter stitch along the curved edge, not the jagged one. I got the setup row knitted and the first garter row, only three more to go. Then what? I have no idea.

I'm going to wrap this up quickly and hit the hay because I've got my alarm set for 7am (ugh) so that I can do my morning routine and take a shower before going to the DePere library for a lecture on how to be a better writer. I've got a notebook ready and made sure that there are pens in my purse. I hope I learn something new but even a reminder of things I already know will make it worthwhile. G'night.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Be careful driving to DePere. I'm sure the roads will be clear and you're used to winter but still...
. LD and Nancy coming over today 🙌 😍! Yay!!