Monday, January 30, 2023


I just got home from DS's house and my car thermometer said that it was 1 degree. I was very glad to have my hat, mittens, and long underwear on--with my regular clothes and coat, of course. Look at the birdbath. I went out this morning to top it up and there's barely any open water. I hope that not too many birds or squirrels want a drink.

I really enjoyed the Daily Practice painting today. First we were to use one color and keep our eyes on the example photo trying not to peek at what we were painting. That was pretty messy. But then we painted again using the same photo but working to keep the same loose and easy style as in the first one. I'm happy with what I ended up with. It isn't great art but it's about the loosest I've ever painted.

These are the last four figures from How To Draw People. I really enjoyed drawing through the book and I might just go back to the beginning and take another run through it.

In Seuss-isms the next page had this seated boy with a dog under his chair. I see that I made the dog a wiener dog, it wasn't one in the picture. Oh well.

It was sunny all day today with wide blue skies and no clouds to hold in the heat which is why I had on long johns. I wanted to go to Joann and Hobby Lobby looking for tan art paper and some pressed flowers to use down the road in the Daily Practice lessons. Nobody has dried pressed flowers. I did find the tan art paper I wanted, big sheets of it so I had to cut it down to size, but I was just glad to find it. I ended up ordering a packet of dried pressed flowers on Amazon. *sigh* It was a good thing that I was bundled up because it was bitter cold and windy out there today but the stores were all busy. Nobody stays home when it's cold. They mostly stay home when it's a blizzard or icy. And I went to the grocery--bananas and red grapes again--I buy a lot of those but they're healthy and zero points on WW.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

If loose is good, you nailed it. The vase of flowers is really lovely. It sounds unbearably cold but at least you had blue sky --- and bananas!!