Friday, October 13, 2023

Rain, Drizzle, Rain

That was today. It looked like dusk when I woke up at 8am and it didn't get any brighter through the day. I took a picture of the birdbath this morning with just a few raindrop circles on it but then it started raining harder this afternoon so I took another photo and that's the one I liked best.

The rain didn't keep the Sparrows away from the feeders. This quartet of them had fun trading perches as they fluttered around each other.

Either a female Cardinal or a juvenile Cardinal, it's hard to say which, spent some time on the platform feeder this afternoon. I'm always amazed that they are willing to share with a Sparrow or House Finch because the males are sure quick to run other birds off.

I had fun drawing today's zentangle. For some reason these one-stroke motifs are easy for me and I kind of get into a zone when I'm doing the close background lines. This is a combo of the three tangles from yesterday with a little of the earliest one thrown in.

I almost got to the end of rereading the 3rd/1st POV manuscript today. I really like it. I like the broader scope of the story, it feels more complete to me. Next I'll reread the strictly 1st POV manuscript (with an objective eye, I hope) to see which one I'll be going on with. I suppose I could go all 3rd POV and have to change all the "I", "my", and "me" to "Rose", "she", and "her." I confess that's the way I started writing it and switched it all to 1st POV and I'm still finding places that I missed. Why can't I make this simple?


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Rain on Friday the Thirteenth seems apt. I'm glad you didn't have to get out in it.