Tuesday, October 10, 2023


It's chrysanthemum season and my three little colors of mums are blooming away. I'm most impressed with the purple ones that started trying to bloom in July, got cut back, and forged ahead to bloom in late August anyway. They're still at it. They've spread themselves out around Dad's rosebush so it's hard to get a group photo but I did my best.

The coppery ones are the most photogenic, I think. They've made a dome of flowers that's nearly solid.

The gold ones are my favorites and they're doing okay. Not as full as the coppery ones but more organized than the purple ones.

The only bird I managed to snap a photo of was this Downy Woodpecker on the birdbath. A Bluejay stopped by for a nanosecond and I saw a female Cardinal on the platform feeder but neither of them stuck around long enough for a picture.

One of today's zentangles was easy and fun to draw and the other one wasn't. Maybe I made the frames too small to get them drawn but I wanted to just use a single page. Once again I'm unable to be original in my drawings. I just copy what's in the book but I guess that's the way I learn.

I could have slept all day. I took a walk but really kept dozing off through the day. I thought I slept last night but evidently it wasn't restful sleep. I've got a doc's appointment next Monday and have a lot of things to talk about.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love that sweet little woodpecker on the birdbath. I hear you about napping on and off all day. I have days like that myself. Nice to be retired!