Tuesday, January 17, 2023

No Weather Whining

I'm getting tired of myself always whining about the weather so I'm not going to do it today. The only thing I'll say is that this was the snow patch in the backyard this morning and by sunset it was almost gone. I still have a big bunch of snow along the driveway, though, I think I have the most in the neighborhood.

The last couple times I've gone out to top up the water in the birdbath a rabbit has come racing out from under my feet and I think this is the one. It seems to be sheltering under the patio step where it's out of the wind. Startles me.

I have to show you today's Daily Art page because it was a real challenge. On the opposite page there's a picture of a red zinnia in a grid and the prompt says to draw the flower and then color it in. I went to Michaels and bought seven colored pencils in different shades of red, mostly because I didn't have many red colored pencils but also because I didn't have any that matched up to the picture. Now I have plenty. I'm proud of the way this turned out.

Instead of copying little sketches out of Sketching I just put pencil to paper and drew stuff, as OJ says. He always draws a story but I just draw stuff.

Then from Dr. Seuss's Book of Animals I turned the page to find the same two kids as the page before and this overly-friendly-looking dog. There was a cat behind the dog but I ran out of paper. Next time.

My big accomplishment of the day was running and emptying the dishwasher. This is not a big job. The cycle takes about 40 minutes and then it takes all of 5 minutes to put everything away.

I know I said I wasn't going to complain about the weather but they're predicting a snow storm starting tomorrow night and all day Thursday. I hope it misses us.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Glad you got all those red pencils ✏️. That zinnia is one of your best. But then red is my favorite color.
Like yours too. We're sisters under the skin! No wait -- We're family!! Hope the snow misses you.