Monday, January 16, 2023

And Now Rain

Such a dreary day! Bleak even. Today was one of those days when you had to turn on a light to do anything so I spent a lot of the day in the basement doing laundry. I have enough clothes that I don't have to do laundry too often... but who loves laundry?

This morning's rain was more like a drizzle. It took me a few tries to get a photo of raindrops in the birdbath.

And this pair of Sparrows were about the only birds out and at the feeders today. I saw one fluffy fat squirrel but it didn't stay long. It wasn't a fit day out for man or beast. There's still a little snow out there but I'm guessing not for long.

While the laundry was working in the basement I drew. First I turned to near the end of How to Draw People to the page with shoes and hats. These are the last of the hats. I'll draw the shoes next time.

The next bird in Draw Like an Artist was a Peacock. Holy Moses, that was intimidating but again I took it one step at a time and got through it. It isn't great but it's at least recognizable.


Then, just because, I pulled out 10-Steps: Everyday Things and found a moped to draw. It looked scary to start but it was pretty easy to draw. I like the white-wall tires.


I got an email from Dropbox the other day saying that it's full. I pay for an upgrade so I should have loads of space but evidently the accounts aren't linked. Turns out the upgrade is linked to an old email address that only took me an hour and three phone calls to re-access. Happily there was an email from over three years ago on there thanking me for upgrading with a transaction number that I could pass on to the lady at Google who is trying to help me. I have high hopes that I'll hear good news from her tomorrow. Or the next day.

After that I sat here at the laptop and wrote a few pages of novel. Not even a thousand words but I'm always happy to get something on "paper."

I can hear the rain falling right now. It's January in Wisconsin, nearly 9:30 at night, and it's 39 degrees and raining. Crazy.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh dear - it sounds like a blah day all the way around. At least you got some laundry done.