Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Day 4--Write, Then Vote, Then Write...

then knit, then write, then sew, then write, post, then sleep. Sleep, I want to sleep. I'm too old for the clock foolishness. It annoys me that one little hour makes such a difference but I can't deny that it does. My internal clock is all bollixed up. Stupid daylight savings time. Now I know why my grandpa called it "fast time" with such disdain and refused to change his pocket watch.

My writing feels all scattered and skipping focus but I'm just happy that I wrote my quota today with not a lot of struggle. This is the third time I've NaNo'd and I think I might finally have the hang of it.

Line du jour:
For a year or so Manning was content to prowl for young women to bed but he came to realize that for the most part young women do not have much money so their tips were small. Middle aged women, however, do have money and they proved to be a rich vein to mine. He learned to read the signs when a wife was disenchanted with her husband, when a warm smile and a little flirtation would earn him a surreptitious sweetener from the little woman after the big man had magnanimously handed over five bucks. Five bucks, buddy? Can you spare it? He was tempted to shout at the retreating back strutting down the street, but he kept his cool and kept quiet. Sometimes the sweetener came with a breathless note setting up a late night meeting outside one of the resort hotels. He was quick to nod agreement at the shy, pleading, hopeful eyes and make sure that even if the encounter involved only a few soul kisses in the shade of a bougainvillea and a quick grope that the woman went home feeling like she had been rebellious and had an adventure.

Daily word count: 1800
Running total: 7335

See you in a couple days with Jennifer's critique.

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