Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 15--Caught Up!

Yahoo! Things went well today, so well that I'm even a little ahead, only about a thousand words but, hey, ahead is ahead. I have a much clearer picture of the entire story and am feeling much better about the whole thing. (You and I both know that this feeling will not last so I'm making the most of it while it lasts.)

Line of the day:
Gray skies hung over the island. No wind stirred the palm fronds or blew away the sticky humidity. Everything was a struggle in the still air; tempers were frayed. Jack closed himself in his office and moodily checked his emails and tracked his investments online while waiting for someone, anyone, to bring him coffee. Mona made herself a cup of tea with an herbal teabag she found in the kitchen and stood sipping it as she watched the little tendrils of humidity rise in the first shafts of sunlight that peeped through the clouds. Manning woke with a smile on his face and whistled while he shaved.

Daily total: 3,547 words
Running total: (drum roll, please) 26,101 words

Yee! Haw! *ahem* I'm very pleased with myself today.

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