Saturday, November 15, 2008

Day 14--MUCH Better

Yesterday I got half caught up. I tell you, you guys, when I'm smart enough to write the way I know works for me, I get it done. Write a bit, knit a bit, write a bit, do a chore, write a bit, get some exercise, write a bit more, etc. And I upped my enthusiasm for the story by having coffee with an old, old friend and telling her all about it. She was enthralled and so excited about red herrings and all the possibilities for suspects that I fell completely in love with my story again.

Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny, and for the links. I'll check out the writing contest and the McSweeney's prompts.

Line du jour:
He thought that Jack was a prime candidate for his first investor. A guy like Jack, with a lot of money and who thinks he is a big shot, was the perfect target for a get rich quick scheme where he did not have to do any of the work. He could walk around all cocky telling people that he was a treasure hunter, pretend that he was someone like Mel Fisher who found a Spanish galleon off the Florida Keys, wear a doubloon on a gold chain, and generally be unbearably insufferably egotistical about the whole thing. Manning had spent years working the angles, ferreting out the people who could do him the most good for the least effort on his part, and knowing when it was time to pull up his anchor and sail away.

Daily total: 2,413 words (a new high!)
Running total: 22, 558 words (only 775 behind!)

Keep writing! I'm gonna.

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