Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day 30--Finito!
Daily total: 2,029 words
Final total: 50,407 words
It's snowing. Ugh.
Day 29--WooHoo!
Daily total: 2,079 words
Running total: 48,378 words
I'm down to the wire but I'm confident. I should make us a cake for Thursday to celebrate. You like chocolate? Allergic to anything?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty I am Free at Last!!!
My total word count as of two minutes ago is 50,039. I know it is not done, but for now it is done. I will come back to it one day to smile, to grimace, to laugh and maybe to hurl at how crappy it is...but it is done!
Go Barbara go!!!!! Go Barbara go!!!! You can do it girl!!! Go Barbara go!!!!
Feasting & Knitting

We had a lovely Thanksgiving at my brother's house. The food was good and bountiful, and the service was excellent. And Colton was camera-shy, as are all 14 yr. olds, but Uncle Durwood sneaked up on him. He's growing up too fast. (Colton, not Uncle Durwood, he doesn't seem to have grown up at all.)

After the meal Grandma and Diego stayed out of the way while the rest of us played Wii Bowling and Andy tried his hand at Wii Boxing.

While waiting for my turn at Bowling I knitted a hat for Mom to give her friend but nobody took my picture and I forgot to take a picture of the finished hat before giving it to Mom, but here's the parts and I promise to take a picture before she gives it away.
It was a fun day.

I've been knitting along on the Phoenix Tears scarf. I'm into the Boa section which will segue into the feathery plumes and tears in 8 inches or so. It's going to be cool looking and I can see I'm going to want to make it again to try out other ideas I have about it's composition. Can't follow the pattern too closely, you know.
Days 27 & 28--Not Much Writing, Followed By A Lot
Daily total (Thursday): 513 words (my worst yet)
Daily total (Friday): 2,206 words (much better)
Running total: 46,301 words
Jennifer, I trust you are bearing down toward the giant shining glow of 50K that I can see hiding behind the November 30 page of my calendar. Come on, we can do it! We are women, hear us roar! We're writers too, even scarier.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day 26--Writing While The Bread's Baking
Jennifer, I'm very glad you joined our group. Your excitement and enthusiasm have injected new life into our exercises. It's very satisfying to have someone be so willing to jump into the deep end with us and start swimming. I can't wait to read your next submission.
Daily total: 2,254 words
Running total: 43,582 words.
Line of the day: Checking the clock he realized that it was nearing one o’clock in the afternoon. He had missed lunch and supposed that Mister and Missus Clark (cluck, Rooibos caught himself thinking of the chickens that lived next door to him. A laugh shorted out his nose but he got control of himself with an admonishment not to slip and call the American witnesses Mister and Missus Cluck. He needed a vacation, he decided, as soon as this case was done.) were either napping after lunch or out at a dive site.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. I'm thankful to have a group of writing friends who are willing to put up with my weirdness and angst.
Twas the night before Turkey Day.....
I just wanted to take a moment to let the three of you know how thankful I am to be a part of your fantastic writing group.
Thank you for welcoming me into the group with such open hearts, minds, and notebooks.
Thank you for challenging me to become a better writer with the brilliant work the three of you create.
Thank you for such fun, stimulating activities that bring out ideas in me I never would have thought of before.
But most of all, thank you for your friendship. You do my heart and my creative soul good.
I wish you all a very Safe and Happy Thanksgiving.

The Phoenix Tears Scarf is looking cool, although I sort of wish I had figured out how to gradually add the orange Fun Fur rather than have an abrupt change but I like it. I carried the Squiggles into the orange a couple of rows so that doesn't just stop. Next I want to work in the Boa which looks like muppet eyelashes and its color name is Phoenix. Coincidence? I think not.
Everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving and eat too much of everything. You know you're going to do that anyway, now you have permission. It's only once a year.
Day 25--Slowest Day Yet
Daily total: 574 words (shameful!)
Running total: 41,328 words
Everybody have a Happy Thanksgiving! Don't eat too much pie. On second thought, go ahead, eat too much pie. Eat too much everything. It's only once a year.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Day 24--You Go, Jennifer!
Monday's daily total: 945 words
Running total: 40,754 words
A Break Through!
But this morning, at 4:00 am (yes, I can no longer sleep because of this looming deadline), it hit me! I think I found a way to tie up this novel and it's made things a little easier for me.
So, I got that going for me...which is nice!
Total Word Count: 41,719
Total Words Remaining: 8,281
Total Days Remaining: 5
Go Barbara Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, November 24, 2008

We had 2.7 inches of snow last night! Durwood thinks it makes the apple tree look like it's decorated for Christmas. I think it looks like slippery roads and wet pants legs at work.
After months of resisting, I succumbed to the lure of the Phoenix Tears Scarf. I got s

Oh, and here's Durwood with his Maple Pumpkin Cheesecake pie. All I can say is,

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Pulling Teeth is Less Painful
Ok...enough whining.....Thank you Barbara for your words of wisdom and your creative offerings...your story is amazing!
Jenny - thank you for being such a great cheerleader to both Barbara and I. We could not have done it without you!
Total Word count: 38,418
Day 23--The Detective Finally Has Something To Detect
Daily total: 1,703 words
Running total: 39,809 words
Write on!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Day 22--Rest In Peace, Jack, You S-O-B.
Daily total: 1,803 words
Running total: 38,106 words
It's been real, Jack...
Hey, Barbara, you've inspired fan fiction. Ha!
So I thought I found the perfect little magazine for my story about the husband who gives birth to the little man, and I sent it off to them all hopeful. They specialize in surrealism/magic realism, and I believe they like the twisted. Perfect match, right? Bah! I got a nice little personal rejection yesterday that said that they enjoyed the story and that it was well written blah-blah, but in the end they found it was just too similar to the Charles Bukowski story featuring a miniature man and a woman's no-no-naughty-place. Now I'm all for stealing fantastic ideas when I know I'm doing it (epileptic prophets and a certain spin-a-lator come to mind here...), but it comes as a blow to find that I've unknowingly stolen. This is why I should read more. Humph!
Keep writing you two crazy nanoers! Jennifer, how's the progress on the ahead-by-Sunday plan?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Day 21--Getting Closer To The Edge
Line of the day:
The ancient limestone thrusts its jagged and tortured bones above the sea that swirls angrily at its base. The grinding waves shove broken pieces back and forth, polishing them into a semblance of smoothness. You can tell how long the pieces have been exposed. The dark just-revealed parts grasp the skin like Velcro, leaving hundreds of tiny cuts behind; the older pieces are smooth and bleached nearly white. Underwater when a Parrotfish takes a bite of coral for the juicy polyps it contains the scar left behind is white. But the cliffs that bare themselves to the pounding waves are nearly black. The dark color lends an air of menace to the already forbidding rocks that jut like rotten jagged teeth from the foaming salty saliva of the earth.
Okay, it's a little "artsy" but you need a bit of that with the drama if only for a breather.
Keep writing, Jennifer.
Enchante Avec Beret

(Translation: I like how the beret turned out.) I thought it was going slowly but it finished very quickly, I realize now, because I was afraid I would run out of the gray yarn so I knit faster to finish before I did run out. (Wha???? I don't know, but that's what it seemed like.)
I highly recommend this pattern. (It's the House Beret from Charmed

Next I need to get the address from Chocolate Sheep so I can get these Connor Caps on their way to their new owners.
*whispering* This ends the part of my WIPs I can show you. The rest is stealth knitting. I promise to cast on something blog-able later so you're not bored.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Day 20--Not Many Customers
Line of the day: Jack had driven away from the villa early too. He had gotten up to the turn off at Boca Onima where Manning had showed him he could see the boat at the wreck site from shore and then his vehicle had stalled. That’s the last thing he remembered. He lay at the foot of the Willemstoren lighthouse steps, pieces of broken coral flung onshore by the last storm digging into his back. He wasn't at all sure how he got there and had no idea how he would get back to his villa.
Daily total: 2,196 words
Running total: 34,833 words
See you in a few hours, you guys. I'm pumped.
Day 19--The Plot Thickens
Line of the day: Once Jack got the hundred grand transferred into Manning’s bank account he started looking for results, hounding Manning for details, times, places. He wanted to have something, some recovered metal encrusted with barnacles, a piece of cannon shot, a tankard, something, anything that he could touch and feel the hundreds of years on it. Manning was shocked and a bit unsettled by Jack’s vehement insistence that he be kept informed of every single move that was made.
Daily total: 1,705 words
Running total: 32,639 words
See you tonight, submission in hand.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Santa Came Early!

See? We played most of the afternoon. I did knit a few rows and I did write my word quota for the day but we Wii-ed. And we Wii-ed. I fully expected to get up this morning to find Durwood sacked out in the living room with a Wii controller dangling from his wrist.
Thanks, Santa! I musta been a really good girl this year. And it said in the paper this morning that Wii games are good for motor skills, strength, flexibility and balance. So it's a fitness tool. Not a toy.
Day 18--Wheeee!
Line of the day: Jack relented, took his refilled glass, settled back on the cushions of his lounge, and prepared to fill Mona in on his deal with Manning. “Okay,” he said and he actually rubbed his hands together. I never knew people actually did that, thought Mona. Jack when on. “Manning and this spic guy, Santiago…” “You mean Hispanic, right? Or Venezuelan?” He flapped his hand at her, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Anyway, Santiago’s a fisherman and he got a line caught on something so he talked to his pal Manning and took him out there to scuba dive to see if he, Manning that is, could retrieve his fishing tackle. Manning says when he got down there he could not believe his eyes. There was a shipwreck, and not some modern one either, an old one, a real old one, just rotting away down there.
Didn't I tell you Jack was a toad? Good for you, Jennifer, for wrestling those words into submission. Keep going! We can do it!
Daily total: 1,727 words
Running total: 30,936 words
See you tomorrow night!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tonight is a Freebie!!!!
Word Count Today: 2,026
Word Count Total: 30,459
I know I am not there yet, but I am already proud of myself for reaching 30,000+ words. I can't wait until November 30th when I can call myself a novelist.
'Nother Conner Cap

The Connor Cap turned out so cute and took so little time that I decided to make a Beret too, but use the pearl gray as the main color. See? It's turning out cute too. Next comes 3 more rows of the cadet blue then I'll finish it with the gray. I'm liking it alot. Hope the recipient does too. Wouldn't you love to see the faces when the hats are given out? Me too.
Gotta go. It's time to start piling up my NaNoWriMo words for today.
Day 17--Groovin' Along
Jennifer, as far as a lesson goes, maybe do a little online research or find a chapter in a writing book that speaks to some aspect of writing you're struggling with, figure out a worksheet or a summary, then teach it to us with an example and a writing exercise. I almost always focus my "lessons" on whatever writing thing is getting the best of me at the time. As you can probably guess by now, we're pretty game for anything. Even if you just bring us some prepared exercises, that'll be fine too.
Line of yesterday: Mona wondered how Manning had gotten his reputation as a ladies’ man. She thought he was good looking enough if you did not look too closely and he did have an air of rakish adventure about him but now that Susan had warned her about his dishonesty she knew that she was in no danger of falling prey to his charms. Jack was in a great mood when she got in. “Hey, baby,” he said from the patio. “Hop into a bikini, and come on out here. I have a pitcher of rum drinks we can share.”
Daily total: 1,366 words (a bit short)
Running total: 29,209 words
Jack is turning into a real toad--but I like it.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Slow and Steady.....
Word Count to date: 28,433
Let me know if there is a lesson you want me to bring to club on Thursday...I'm at a loss, but want to do my part as leader (no more claiming to be the new kid!).
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Day 16--Sinus
Thanks for the peek between the covers, Jennifer! Poor little guy. Sounds like his life is in turmoil if he can't eat his second hot dog. How cute is that. Everybody has no word days or few word days. I try not to get more than one day's worth of words behind when I fall off the writing wagon.
Daily total: 1,742 words
Running total: 27,843 words
Oh, Jenny & Jennifer, I checked the schedule and according to it Jennifer is leader on Thursday, but maybe you can bring your lesson, Jenny, just in case Jennifer gets too busy.
It was a weekend of words....
The story is taking twists I had never even considered, but it is kinda fun to see where this work is taking me. As of now, the total word count is 27,685. I cannot believe the month is now half over and we only have 13 more days left in this crazy challenge.
To appease my fellow writer's, here is a brief snippet of my is untitled as of yet, but I'm sure that will come to me at some point.
Michael grabbed the second hotdog on his plate with his left hand and tapped it against his lips a few time deep in thought about what his father had told him. “Daddy, did Mommy get sad because of me? Does Mommy need to be alone because of me?”
Pain ran through Allan’s heart hearing the honest questions from his son. Children are so much smarter than we give them credit for, Allan thought to him in amazement. “Champ, your Mommy loves you and just needs time to herself. That is all.”
Michael took a small bite of his hotdog, placing the remainder back on his plate and chewed silently. “Daddy, can I be excused? I am not very hungry now.”
“Sure Champ. What are you going to do now?”
“I just need to be alone for a little while Daddy. Like Mommy.”
Allan just nodded his head watching his son head upstairs to think about yet another bad hand that life had dealt him.
I Quit...

making Special Olympics scarves because I finally ran out of acrylic yarn to make them out of. I was determined last night to crochet until all of the white and blue worsted was in the scarf and I did it. Whew. I love them too. I can picture the looks on the organizers' faces when they open the box thinking that I didn't knit by the rules, but then I picture six young women athletes being thrilled with their boa-like scarves, very Theda Bara, as my Grandma Babe would say. A girl can't have too many fluffy scarves in her life.

Saturday, November 15, 2008
Pat(s?) on the back(s?)
Jennifer, I can just feel in my gut and soul that you get a pat on the back, too, but do share! Where are you at? Let us celebrate and/or commiserate with you!
One Cap Finished

I had to knit a bit after I finished writing my word quota last night and I finished the Connor Cap just before midnight. I wove (weaved?) in the tails this afternoon after finishing today's words and here it is all ready to keep some boy's head warm this winter. I used Lion Wool in Cadet Blue, Pearl Gray, and Goldenrod, and the House Hat pattern from Charmed Knits. I like it so much I think I'm going to make a House Beret from the same source using the gray as the main color. Who knew there'd be a shade of blue that I

Day 15--Caught Up!
Line of the day: Gray skies hung over the island. No wind stirred the palm fronds or blew away the sticky humidity. Everything was a struggle in the still air; tempers were frayed. Jack closed himself in his office and moodily checked his emails and tracked his investments online while waiting for someone, anyone, to bring him coffee. Mona made herself a cup of tea with an herbal teabag she found in the kitchen and stood sipping it as she watched the little tendrils of humidity rise in the first shafts of sunlight that peeped through the clouds. Manning woke with a smile on his face and whistled while he shaved.
Daily total: 3,547 words
Running total: (drum roll, please) 26,101 words
Yee! Haw! *ahem* I'm very pleased with myself today.
I'm doing NaNoWriMo again. National Novel Writing Month for those unfamiliar with it. The challenge is to write a 50,000 word novel manuscript in 30 days. We're shooting for quantity rath

(Sorry to talk your ears off this morning but I'm feeling pretty darned good because Don's off on a little overnight and I'm pretending it's the old days. He'll be back later today and we'll both like each other a lot better for a while until we know it's time for him to go away for one night again. Hey, it works for us.)
Day 14--MUCH Better
Thanks for the encouragement, Jenny, and for the links. I'll check out the writing contest and the McSweeney's prompts.
Line du jour: He thought that Jack was a prime candidate for his first investor. A guy like Jack, with a lot of money and who thinks he is a big shot, was the perfect target for a get rich quick scheme where he did not have to do any of the work. He could walk around all cocky telling people that he was a treasure hunter, pretend that he was someone like Mel Fisher who found a Spanish galleon off the Florida Keys, wear a doubloon on a gold chain, and generally be unbearably insufferably egotistical about the whole thing. Manning had spent years working the angles, ferreting out the people who could do him the most good for the least effort on his part, and knowing when it was time to pull up his anchor and sail away.
Daily total: 2,413 words (a new high!)
Running total: 22, 558 words (only 775 behind!)
Keep writing! I'm gonna.
Barbara, I have faith in your weekend writing abilities. You'll be ahead in no time, and caught up in less than no time, if I've done the math right. Jennifer, how's it coming for you? I predict you'll be caught up before you know it, too.
Okay all, check out this site for a free writing competition:
and check the complete list of writing prompts that we used last night:
Good luck writing this weekend, all!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Day 13--Even Better
Great meeting last night, you guys. Awesome poems, Bob, and very inspiring critiques. I love it when we have a lot of give and take, trading ideas, ooh, pumps me right up.
Jennifer, I hope next time you'll go out for cheese because we seldom stay longer than an hour and only Bob had a beer, we girls had cranberry juice. Why, yes, we do live for adventure!
Jenny, I loved the prompts; their gruesomeness and sheer wackiness made a dreary rainy night fun. Thanks. I am impressed with your flurry of submissions too. Wanna do mine?
Line of the Day: Jack overbalanced onto the foot of the bed as he tried to take off his slacks and keep looking at her. He lay there on his back kicking his foot to try and get the slacks off and they were flapping back and forth like a pennant in a strong wind and he kept talking while holding the end of his thigh and frowning while grunting and working his leg up and down to try and dislodge the fabric. Mona could feel her effort to suppress her laughter shaking the bed but Jack's antics were shaking the bed enough that he did not notice. "So we are going to a cocktail party at Major George's tomorrow night. His missus will call you. I forget her name." He finally kicked his slacks off and turned to her grinning like he expected praise for the accomplishment.
Daily total: 986 words
Running total: 20,145 words
Write on!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Day 12--Getting A Bit Better
Line of the day: Lucia gets there on the arm of the notary Pietr Smit. We have not seen much of him yet. I need to focus one day’s writing on fleshing out his character and pumping up the contrast and the rivalry between Burke and Piet. What is Piet like? He is tall and thin and very blond. He is Dutch from Holland and he had come for a vacation when he was out of law school and stayed. That was almost ten years ago. He built a practice doing legal work for expats, oh, that is how he knows George and Susan and how he and Lucia get to the party so all characters can meet.
Daily total: 1,771 words
Running total: 19,159 words
See you tonight!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Day 11--Hardly Any Words
I'm struggling. I have fallen way short of word count the last two days and need to write about 3000 words today to catch up. I don't know what's the matter, I just can't settle down and focus. Today I have Alphie with me at work and, by golly, I'm determined to write at least half that--starting right now!
Line of the day: Burke started walking toward her and as he got closer she could smell the clean scent of him, a mix of spices and soap and something else she thought might just be his own scent, a distillation of all the exotic places his ancestors came from and all of the experiences of his life.
Too much thinking and not enough typing was my problem yesterday. I swear I won't think at all today. Cross my heart.
Daily total: 733 words (disgraceful!)
Running total: 17,388 words
On your mark, get set...GO!
DAM Gloves Done!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Time for a new picture!
Day 10--Sucked
You go, Jennifer! I am very impressed by your dedication and determination--or is that stubbornness? I, myself, am never stubborn. *ahem* I want to read a line or a little clump of what you're writing. No "line of the day"s yet? Come on, throw us one. Please? I'll go first...
Line of the day:
As she neared the boulder where she had left her clothes a voice came out of the darkness. “Did you remember a towel?” A small shriek escaped her lips before her conscious mind registered who had spoken. “Oh my God, Burke, you scared me half to death.” “I am sorry,” he said, “I did not mean to frighten you, but I saw you swimming and thought I would come out and join you. Then I thought that if I swam out to you, you might think I was a shark.” He laughed, a low sexy laugh. Lucia looked at him standing in the moonlight, his fists on his hips and his head thrown back. At first she thought he was nude but then she realized that he wore a racer’s swim suit rather than the baggy shorts that most men favored. She thought she would like to see him in the day light.
So, that's how Day 10 ended. Any wonder that it got interesting when I started today?
Don't forget Bob wants his critique this Thursday rather than next. (That's as much for me as for you.)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Okay, that's my line for the day. Don't know where it's going, but by golly, it's gotta go somewhere. I mean, come on, an evil unicorn? I'm loving it!
Jennifer, I'm glad to hear you're back on track. And 61 pages? In 10 days? Girl, you've got it going on!
Barbara, how's day 10 treating you? Go, Barbara, go!
Back on Track....for Now!
I think I'm back on track for now....I managed to carve out some time and my new word count is 17,540 which is actually a few hundred words ahead of today's schedule. But I have two straight days of things taking place during the time I usually write.
20 more days to go!!!!! I cannot believe I have 61 pages completed so far. I don't think I have ever written a term paper that long!
Keep going are amazing!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Submission Day
Day 9--Why I Can't Write In Cafes
I drove straight to Atlanta Bread Company (two whole blocks) where I ordered a sandwich and bottle of water. I lucked out and got the booth in the front corner of the cafe away from the hubbub of the counter and other diners. A married couple in their 30s sat in the booth next to mine and he proceeded to spend their entire lunch talking about how he's trying to be the best stay-at-home dad for their daughter but he needs her support or maybe just an hour to himself once in a while (man, was I having flashbacks!). Well, I couldn't not listen. I did write, I did, but it was hard to focus. After I ate my lunch and got a cookie for dessert (I was being good) I wrote some more until I thought I had exhausted that tangent.
I packed up again at 3:00 and drove to the other end of the block to Starbucks. There I ordered herbal tea (which wasn't very good--Tazo Wild Orange, I think) and tucked myself into a corner. Again people came in and had conversations, 3 guys who looked Somalian or Ethiopian came in and they were having a conversation in their native tongue and I couldn't not listen to them even though I understood not one word. But I kept my fingers moving, determined to forge ahead of the minimum daily word requirement and maybe give myself a little cushion for later when things turn to crap.
Around 4:30 I zipped to Woodman's to get my favorite Sabor Latino yogurt and 2 bottles of Moose Drool and came home. I hurried to download my day's writing, confident that I had surpassed the daily quota and zoomed ahead. Download... download... download... click the "word count" button........1656! Eleven words short!!! $#%&@
So after supper I went back to my desk and wrote again and made it. But I learned that I am not good at writing in cafes. Not once did I think to turn my back on the room so that I wouldn't be distracted. I need to write in a sensory deprivation chamber. When I'm at my desk I have the door closed and I listen to classical music on headphones (okay, they're earbuds) so that if Don turns on the TV I can't hear it and I can't hear his breathing and I can't hear him turning the pages if he's reading. I am such a trial to myself.
Line of the day: Bunny kept telling himself that he did not know, had never imagined what Manning was planning. He could not keep images of himself in chains locked in a cell with a tall, fire breathing, police officer bending over him accusing him of murder. Murder, murder, it kept echoing in his head. The startled look on Jack Spencer’s face when he felt the hand on his ankle, the disbelief when he was jerked backwards and sent tumbling in space. Bunny had stepped forward involuntarily to watch Jack’s windmilling body fall onto the razor sharp rocks and he saw the bright red blood bloom green in the water like sad flowers.
Daily word count: 2,036 words
Running total: 15,548 words
I'm just over 500 words ahead of the pace. Woohoo! I deserve a sundae!
Day 8--Crisis Of Motivation
So, Jenny, no cafes were visited in the writing of my 1833 words yesterday. Natually because it was a cloudy and dreary day which would have been perfect for moody cafe sitting in, I stayed home. Today when it looks sunny but cold, I will go and check out at least the Harmony Cafe in the new Goodwill, if not Starbucks and Atlanta Bread. Although (contemplatively taps chin with one finger) I could visit each since they're only about a block apart from each other and only two blocks from here. Hmm, maybe I'll just get dressed right now, put on my "writer" hat, tuck Alphie under my arm and get outta here and not come back until I've written two days' worth.
Jennifer, I'm bouncing around too. No place does it say that your novel has to make sense or be written in order, nuh-uh. You can make as big a mess as you want and, let me tell you, I am making a mess.
Yay for emailing Rebecca Meacham, Jenny! You are such a talented writer, she would be a fool not to want to hitch her wagon to your star. Glad we could be an inspiration. (now if I could only be an inspiration to myself)
Hey, Yard-Bob, if you read this and it's not raining, or snowing, on Tuesday, wanna come over and finish the lawn? I'll call too just to make sure we connect. Is Writer-Bob doing any writing? Hope so.
Line of the day: That night was the thirty seventh night in a row with no wind. During the day there was wind, plenty of wind. The trade winds blew out of the east as they are supposed to in this latitude, but when the winds dropped at sun down they did not just drop they died and did not resurrect until the sun rose in the morning. At first people laughed that the sun was dragging the winds with it as it made its way around the earth, but after a while the joke was not funny any more.
Daily word count: 1,833
Running total: 13,514 words
Pushing Right Along...
Ok..back to the novel......hmmm...wonder if I can use my blogging comments to up my word count....KIDDING!!!!!!!
Keep going Barbara! Good luck on the mentoring Jenny...she would be silly not to take on such a talented writer as yourself!
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Jennifer, Thursday was an impressive writing day for you at that word count, and that while you were waiting for a critique, to boot. Nicely done. I'm glad the critique was helpful. We all need whatever boost we can get.
So, I'm not NaNoWriMoing, but besides stating the obvious, I'm trying to follow in your examples and light a fire under my own butt. I finally emailed Rebecca Meacham today to ask her if she is interested in taking on a private student. Procrastination and self-doubt be damned, and I have you two to thank for the final push. So, "Thank you!"
Jennifer, is this weekend paying off like you hoped? Barbara, how are the cafes going? Bob, are you out there? Are you grounded?
Second Glove?

Here's an F.Y.I. for anyone overly impressed with my glove-making skills--I knitted the pinkie inside out on glove #1 the first go-round. I don't know how I managed to do that--either I picked up the stitches backwards or I picked up the needle and then twisted it. I also made the first two fingers so long that a lizard could have worn the glove. For anyone wondering, there are holes left between each of the fingers when you're knitting. I don't think you can avoid them. I just sew them closed when I'm weaving in all the tails.
Day 7--An Excellent Day!
Going to my desk and writing 500 words or so at a crack worked really well yesterday. It wasn't an onerous task and didn't make me feel like I was being punished. I have a hunch that most of what I wrote on Day 7 won't make the final cut but it's interesting nonetheless. Oh, the oddest outcome of not using any contractions popped up and I have to comment. When you're writing dialogue instead of saying "don't you?" you have to write "do you not?" How stilted is that??? (see below) But I have to keep remembering it's the word count that counts--quantity, not quality.
Line of the day: Sam never knew if the latest questioner was of a higher rank than the last or not. He tried to give the third one, or maybe it was the fourth one, their address at the bungalow so they could leave. “I do not think that would be a good idea,” the policeman said, squinting at him as if measuring him for handcuffs. Sam had reached the end of his patience and began yelling. “Where do you think we are going to go on an island this small? We have paid our rent for the entire month and are probably going to stay for another one. We are not leaving.” The policeman pressed a hand on Sam’s shoulder trying to make him sit down again and behave but Sam was having none of it. He dug in his heels and stayed on his feet. “You think we killed that poor guy, do you not?”
Daily total: 1775 words
Running total: 11, 681 words
Helloooo? Is anybody out there?