Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Made It

I sat down/stood up at the laptop this morning with a lot of trepidation. Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo 2023 and I'm very nervous about my plan to resurrect an old manuscript and move it to a different island and add characters. I had a hard time freeing my mind so that I could just type and not worry too much about what I was forgetting or changing from the original. I took my time and managed to get 1,690 words down on paper/screen. The minimum number of words per day to complete the challenge is 1,667 so I'm good. Whew.


I looked up on Amazon the other day and found a couple Anguilla guidebooks that will help me sound like I know what I'm talking about, island-wise. I hope. One is traditionally published and the other is self-published so I'm glad to support another indie author. It's been ages since I've been on the island and I'm certain that many things have changed. These should help.

Today's Zentangle is a white on black one again. I really like drawing these this way. The gel pen glides so smoothly over the paper and it makes such a different looking art piece. 

Then I practiced the poofy tangle from yesterday again and did a few critters out of 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish. None of these make my heart sing but I kind of like the simple little Angelfish in the lower right.

Each evening I've been adding a few rounds to the gusset of the Summer in Monaco sock. This is my least favorite part of sock architecture so I'm forcing myself to work on it so it gets over quicker. I don't know why this is my least favorite part, there's something to do every other round so it's not boring, but I just want it over with.

I put the flannel sheets and the electric blanket back on the bed this morning. It's time. It was sunny today so I guts-ed up and took a walk this afternoon once I was done writing. I wore a warm hat and mittens and my winter coat and was warm enough but still had to stop every once in a while to catch my breath. One of these days I won't have to do that anymore. I wonder when that'll be. My legs still cramp up but not as much as they used to so I guess I'm getting better.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I think you're going to have fun moving your characters around to different settings. Glad you're off to a good start.