Tuesday, November 7, 2023

I Got A Guy

The leaf raking guy came this morning at 9am just like he said he would and within a little more than two hours raked all the leaves in my yard and flower beds into this huge drift of leaves at the curb. I couldn't have done it in two days. I'm keeping his number.

Here's my Zentangle rendition of the tangles I learned yesterday. I'm not sure how I feel about it. Do I like it? Dislike it? I like the bottom area with the various swirls and I kind of like the top swirly things, it's the middle with the circle/squares that has me puzzled.

The Chickadees were busy today flying from the patio chairs to the platform feeder and then to the round feeder to take a quick peck into the lowest holes to find the perfect seed.

And the Downy Woodpecker male came to the suet cakes and had a snack. He stayed pretty long and changed positions a lot looking for the best suet bites. If I was a woodpecker it'd annoy me that the suet sticks on my beak when I pecked away for a while. They wipe it off on the cage that holds the cakes.

Tonight was Writer's Guild and I read a piece of The Seaview 2. I got some good feedback. There'll be some changes made tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That's quite an impressive pile of leaves. Definitely keep that guy's number.