Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ho Hum

Even though it was a sunny day it was kind of a ho hum day because it was really windy and that made it cold to be outside. I meant to swap the mower for the blower and put the patio chairs into the shed but I was a wimp and stayed inside. I'll wait for the weekend when it won't be so windy. I hope.


 I turned to the page with yesterday's tangles on it and tried to copy the Zentangle that went with them. This one will not be among my greatest hits.

And the Downy Woodpecker was back. He spent a long time pecking away at the suet cakes, turning this way and that to get the tastiest morsels.

Most of the afternoon I spent listening to the audiobook version of Horizon. As I said it's kind of odd to hear my words which have always been in my voice in my head in someone else's voice. CAS is very good at changing voices to voice other characters. If I'd been the reader everyone would have sounded the same.

I'm still working on NaNoWriMo, cutting and pasting pieces into a new document every day and writing new parts to weave it into a new story. I have no idea how it's going but it's going and that's all that counts right now.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Those Zentangle things look complicated and hard to draw. I have a top that looks like one of them and I think of you whenever I put it on. It's one of my latest thrift store bargains.