Sunday, November 19, 2023

I Must Be Getting Better

Because I didn't fall asleep every time I sat down today. I called the tele-nurse from my insurance company and she's advised me to call my doc tomorrow just to be safe. I want to feel better. Wah. Still no leaf blowing. Oh, and I took a CoVid test and I don't have that.

I finally managed to take a non-blurry picture of a bird today. This male Sparrow had a find time on the suet cakes. He repelled boarders and other Sparrows wanting to share. He must have taken lessons from the Cardinal.

The two biggest Christmas cactus buds are hanging in there and getting bigger by the day. There are lots of little bud nubbins in other places but they're staying small so I don't hold out much hope for them.

I tackled the second Zentangle today and it turned out better than yesterday's effort. I think I need to dig out one of those paper smudger things and soften the pencil shadows on the edges of the tangles. I'll try that tomorrow.

Had a nice long phone visit with Lala this morning. She read me a story she's working on and we talked about it. Then I told her about the racial roadblock I've run into in NaNoWriMo. It occurred to me the other day that my beloved Iggy is the only native that isn't a subordinate character and I can't figure out how to handle it. Would this bunch of tight-lipped British expats accept him into their circle? I suspect not. Gah!


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