Monday, November 6, 2023

Too Early

I looked out in the late afternoon to see the sun getting ready to sink below the house across the street. It's too early. It gets dark by 5 o'clock. I know that I just complained about Daylight Savings Time ending but I think I would like it better if we went onto DST and just never fell back.

I liked yesterday's Zentangle so much that I rendered it in white on black today. I don't think I like it as well as what I did yesterday but it's pretty good.

Then I dived into the new tangles on the next page. They were fun to draw.

Tonight I realized that I was to the toe on the Summer in Monaco sock which means that I'll finish it at Friday Night Knitting if not before so I cast on and started knitting this Blue Green Dishcloth. It's not fancy but it's good mindless knitting.

I broke down and called a guy to come rake my leaves tomorrow. He's the son of one of my knitting friends. I don't know how much it'll cost but there's no way I've got the stamina to do the job and I can't leave the leaves on the grass all winter. I'm falling into disrepair.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Don't say you're falling into disrepair; instead tell yourself you're wealthy enough to hire someone to do those jobs you don't want to fool with anymore.