Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Slow But Sure

I made it down to Edw. Jones this morning to pick up my annual pumpkin pie and visit with CLM and JN for a few minutes. Then I went to the grocery for a few things. I thought about using a scooter but didn't want to have to drive it out to the car and then back into the building so I grabbed a cart, scanned the items as I shopped, and checked out. And I only forgot one thing--cheese. I admit that I forgot to put it on the list and there was no way I'd remember it otherwise, I was glad to make it through at my snail's pace. I treated myself to a can of Progresso Chicken Noodle Soup for lunch and will make it last for two meals. Yum. It's been years since I've had that.

It was drizzling when I woke up this morning and spit and sputtered most of the day. Nothing too rainy just enough to be annoying until late in the afternoon (well, if you call 4 o'clock late) the sun came peeking out and changed the look of the day.

The Zentangle of the day isn't too bad. The ball-and-stem thingy, called a poke root, that I have trouble drawing didn't turn out badly this time.

I'm still falling asleep at odd times but feel like I'm getting better. At least I'm comfortable eating something other than yogurt and applesauce. I'm going to try my hand at making onion bread tomorrow since I make it in the Kitchen Aid mixer and don't have to stand and knead it by hand. I can't just show up at Thanksgiving empty handed, that would be rude. Maybe I can even stay awake all day!


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