Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Happy Hallowee--SNOW!

It had started when I got up, little tiny snowflakes that kept getting bigger and windier through the day. At first I took a picture of the patio table because the flakes weren't big enough to show up on the picture.

Then it really ramped up. Look at those flakes! It was snowing and blowing like it really didn't want to stop. It added up to about an inch before it stopped and all of the snow on the grass melted away. I was not psychologically ready for snow today and I'm sure the trick-or-treaters weren't ready for it either. Oh, I had one come to the door. One. Same as last year, different kid.

Then the sun came out. *shrugs* It didn't get any warmer or less windy but the clouds drifted to the south and kept spreading their holiday madness down along the lakeshore. I talked to Lala and she said that it was crazy bad down in Milwaukee, near whiteout conditions, and she heard that they called off trick-or-treating in Sheboygan. Once it stopped snowing the Downy Woodpecker visited for a little nosh at the suet cakes. The birds stayed in their nests or in the pine trees during the snow.

I fiddled around with yesterday's zentangles. They didn't turn out like I envisioned but I'll practice them and try again.

I did better on the figures from 20 Ways to Draw a Tree. I especially like the beetle in the upper left.

I spent the afternoon mostly standing and reading to the end of the old manuscript. I hope that I have enough of the characters and bits of the story in my mind that I can sit down (or stand up) and start NaNoWriMo tomorrow. In order to meet the challenge I have to write 1,667 words a day for the next 30 days. Can I do it? Well, I've done it before so... maybe. Can I weave these old characters into a new story set on a different island? Maybe. Only time will tell.

I was going to take a walk this afternoon but it was too snowy and too windy and too cold too early for me so I went downstairs and back up a couple times and called it good. I know that's a cop-out but I just couldn't make myself go out there today. I'll try tomorrow.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Going up and down the stairs definitely counts as exercise. You can't go out and walk when it's snowy and cold. What if you fell??? I'm not even going to think of that! Try to stay warm.