Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Fall Blooms

I went out and took one last picture of the last Dad's rose of the summer. It's fully open and just holding on. We haven't had a frost yet so it's living its best life.

Then the mums are going strong. My favorite ones are the gold ones. They're not the ones that makes a full ball of flowers, those are the copper ones, but I like the vivid color of the gold ones.

The purple ones have been blooming since the end of August and show no signs of quitting anytime soon.

This is the last page of the Zentangles from Day 7 of my new book. I like the way almost all of them turned out but the bottom one has a problem that I scribbled over to make its flaws disappear. Ah well, artistic license.

I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Butterfly, or as I like to call it Things With Wings, and drew some cool things. The paper airplane turned out okay, the winged shoe just looks silly, I like the way the toucan turned out, and the horse is adequate.

I took my daily walk and my legs are getting better. I can't say the same for my breath, I still puff along like an old steam engine, but I try to go a little farther every day. Pretty soon I'll get to the corner and back without stopping. I hope. I spent the afternoon standing at my laptop reading that old manuscript and marking the glaring things I need to change to set it on a different island than originally written. I have some recently written scenes with those characters that I really like so there will be some changes and I can see that my writing has changed over the years. For the better. I think so anyway.

I've been confused all day as to what day it is. It's Tuesday and there was nothing I wanted to watch on TV. Sometimes I think that I have the attention span of a gnat.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

If only I knew how, I'd make that rose picture my screen saver. It is so perfect.