Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Still a Few Left

I was sure that all of the leaves would fall last night but they didn't. I liked the view down the street this afternoon when I managed to squeeze in a little walk between rain showers.

Today I pulled out 20 Ways to Draw a Tree and even managed to find the last time I'd drawn from it so that I could pick up where I left off. The beetle in the upper left is my hands down favorite today.

It was my turn to host knitting this evening and for once I remembered to take a picture of the "snack" table before we ate it all. I made Asian Turkey Meatballs with either hoisin sauce or sweet chili sauce to drizzle over them. We also had a lovely cheese and sausage platter, veggies and dip, and nut bars. All washed down by either Arnie Brau or Meatball Man beer fresh from Zambaldi. Thanks, DS!

In between eating and gabbing I managed to add a couple inches of leg to the Summer in Monaco sock cuff. I thought it'd be more turquoise but I think green will be the dominant color. Whatever, I like it.

I did a little rereading when I got back from my walk this afternoon and found places that needed changing and other scenes that needed to be added. One of these days I'll have this thing whipped into shape. Just not today.

Well, H-E-double hockey sticks. For some reason Google won't let me upload photos. I've rebooted the computer twice and still get an "accept cookies" window that won't go away. Grrr. I'll give it one more try and then I'm going to bed.



Aunt Barb said...

Well drat it!! Still love to read about "a day in the life" even without illustrations. I know you'll figure it out today.

Aunt Barb said...

P.S. I had to jump through a whole lot of hoops to sign in to my Google account but I was determined!! Yay me!!