Monday, October 30, 2023

I Should Have Plugged It In

Yesterday when I put the birdbath heater in I didn't check the overnight low temperature. I should have. Because when I got up this morning the birdbath was completely iced over. So I crept out in the 27 degree morning and plugged it in. It took about an hour but soon enough there was open water and the birds were enjoying their morning drinks. And I was glad that I hadn't gone out to rake leaves yesterday because it was windy and cold and the leaves were falling like rain. It would have been frustrating to see all my hard work go to waste.

I turned to the next day/page in the Zentangles book and found three new tangles to experiment with but first I drew a zentangle of my own invention. It's not bad.

In the afternoon I happened to glance out the patio door and saw that a Red-bellied Woodpecker was on the suet pellets feeder. It was on the back side of the feeder but it stayed long enough that I got a semi-good picture of it. At least you can see its head on the right side of the feeder.

I got a haircut this morning and it was cold enough that I wore my winter coat. Zipped up. And I snagged a pair of mittens out of the car basket to keep my hands from freezing on the steering wheel. It's too early for such foolishness. It's supposed to be in the 50s, not the 20s.

I knitted a few rounds on the sock gusset but it doesn't look enough different to warrant a picture.

This evening Lala had a launch Zoom for her new short story collection, Gunshots in Grudgeville. It was good to see her, even if it was on the screen.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Oh my goodness -- 27 degrees??? I just now checked the temperature here and it's 72!! Quite a contrast. You're right though. Too early for winter coats and mittens.