Friday, October 27, 2023

I Forgot About the Snacks

When I posted Wednesday night's photos last night I forgot to post the picture of the knitting snacks that I finally remembered to take. See? We won't starve. Not a chance.

Today's Zentangles are kind of blah again. I sorta like the lowest one but in the big Zentangle at the top the tangles are too alike. It just kind of looks like a mishmash of similar motifs.

I got almost to the heel flap of the Summer in Monaco sock tonight at Friday Night Knitting. I really like the colors in this yarn, especially the bluey-greeny overall look of it. There's going to be a lot of this yarn left when this sock is finished so I might have to find a different pattern and make another one. I know, I know, I'm not in the habit of making two matching socks but if I use a different pattern they won't really match.

This morning when I went to the grocery for grapes, bananas, and watermelon it was 67 degrees. The temperature has been dropping all day. It's down to 42 degrees headed to 34 for an overnight low. By Monday and Tuesday it's only supposed to get up to 37 degrees as a high. No wonder my furnace has been running this evening. Good thing I brought up my winter socks too.

I finished the reread of the latest version of The Seaview 2, saved all the tweaks and changes, and put it away. Then I booted up my first NaNoWriMo manuscript that I want to rework next month, made a new folder for it, pulled out the three scenes that I wrote with the new/old characters and Rose and Iggy, and put them in the new folder too.  Now I just have to shift gears in my head and remember that I don't have to write the new manuscript exactly like the old one, I will just take the characters I like and manipulate them to fit my new idea. Easier said than done but I'm up for the challenge. 1,667 words a day for 30 days and the thing is in the bag. Piece of cake. (yeah, right)


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That one Zantangle looks like angry eyes to me. And I agree -- you girls aren't in any danger of starving on your knitting night meeting. Sounds like winter is coming to GB - ready or not!