Saturday, April 25, 2015

Breakfast with the Dive Guys

Last Thursday the boss of the Dive Guys stopped into the shop to ask if I'd please come to breakfast on Saturday to help outfit the students and take the money because it'd be the first time we'd had an Open Water weekend since getting the new POS in January--and it's a good thing I did.  (see how cool the sky looked when I crossed the bridge this morning?)  I ended up having to call the tech and she spent 25 minutes reconfiguring the thing's brains.  I'll be calling her next week for detailed instructions so that the next weekend runs smoothly plus I can print detailed how-tos that we can refer to.  God, learning this thing never ends.

Further proof that blocking your knitting is a good idea:  once the front and back of the Red Marl sweater were pinned out it was obvious that I'd stopped knitting the fronts about 1 1/4" too soon.  (it's extremely difficult to measure the ever-curling stockinette with any accuracy)  Happily I hadn't woven in the tails yet so I can frog back to where I started the shoulder decreases, put in a lifeline (so I'll know where to measure from), and knit those few rows, then redo the decreases.  Easy peasy and a whole lost less frustrating than finding out I was short when trying to sew all the pieces together.  Last night I realized why people knit short-sleeved sweaters.  I feel like I've been working on these sleeves forever and I'm not getting anywhere, but in reality while I haul my knitting to and from work I don't really spend a lot of time knitting, mostly I avoid knitting on them because they're so boring.  But if I ever want to wear the darned sweater I'd better get over it and get these sleeves knitted.  Really.

April 25--Bruce Peterson, S5-25 Cellular Phone.

We thought it couldn't get smaller
but it did.
We thought it couldn't get faster
but it did.
We thought big shoulder pads were the height of fashion
then they weren't (thank god)
Technology changes,
Fashion comes and goes,
Good thing people

Today's a laundry day and I promised Durwood that I'd finish turning the collars on his 2 favorite flannel shirts, THEN I'll knit on the sweater sleeves.  Cross my heart, and there's always tomorrow too, besides it isn't nice enough to want to be outside.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I thought I was the only one who still knew how to turn a collar!