Sunday, February 19, 2023

Sunshine & Melting

It was sunny today and got up to 45 degrees. Lots of the snow melted. All of the snow that these Mourning Doves were pecking around in this morning melted away, leaving only small patches of the white stuff on the patio. The thing that I noticed when I took this picture was that the sun was shining on the edge of the patio for the first time in months. That means that the sun is inching its way back north. Hooray!

The Daily Practice today was to try to make a watercolor approximation of Van Gogh's Wheat Field with Cypresses. I was certain that my attempt would be pathetic especially when I tried to reproduce the sky with its swooping brush strokes but I don't think that I did too badly. I was so happy with the way it turned out that I tried it again on a postcard and like that one too.

I tried painting tulips and a peony again today and used the wrong paper so that the paint didn't stick to the paper right or my brushes didn't work on it right. I'm not showing those pathetic daubs.

After three days of not drawing I pulled out Sketching and found this picture of a cow driving a convertible. How could I resist?

The only other thing that I did today was laundry. Ugh. It was only three loads so how come it felt like thirty?

I started rereading Better Than Mom's to see if I could start tucking in references to the new scene that I wrote on Friday. So far, no, but there are lots more pages to be read.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Can't wait for "Better Than Mom's to be published. Glad the 🌞 is inching in the right direction. You're like Gail in "Horizon" keeping track of the sunsets.