Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Dim & Chilly

That was my afternoon once the workmen in the street bored through the power line to my house. Seems the Diggers Hotline guy neglected to paint a mark to indicate where that was when he was here so they just drilled right through it. It only took about two hours for the public service guys to string a line from the pole to the house where it will lay until the construction crew from public service comes to bury it. They assured me that it was "double coated and safe, but don't lick it." They strung caution tape and put cones every few yards. Yeah, that looks totally safe laying there on the ground. Yikes.

I am not a fan of today's Daily Practice. The theme was "limited palette" and we were to use the palette that we made up way back at the beginning of the month from a photograph. I was happy that my photo had a lot of green since the example photo was a landscape but, like I said, I'm not a fan. I have to say that I like mine better than hers, though, hers had orange water and indigo blue mountains. She said to remember that it's Abstract. Evidently I don't like Abstract or at least her version and mine in this case. Hopefully tomorrow's lesson will be more pleasing.

I painted that one in the morning and planned to paint the Intermediate Watercolor lesson after lunch but the power was out which meant that the internet was out so my iPad wouldn't play the next lesson because it's on the interwebs. There was enough light coming in the patio doors so I pulled out Seuss-isms to find a king on stilts. He looks pretty good, the dog is... odd looking. Sorry, doggie.

Once the power was back on and the furnace was warming the house up again, I was able to paint tulips in Intermediate Watercolor. Oh, I think they turned out great. I got my new paintbrush today and it works like a charm, much better than the other ones that I've got. It tempts me to replace others of my brushes with different sizes but I won't. What I have works fine, it's the operator that needs replacing half the time.

Watching endless episodes of "Salvage Dawgs" on the DVR tonight (okay, four), I knitted around and around on the latest toe cap. I know that my friend LB would have had this done and another one half done in the time it took me to add a couple inches but at least I don't give up. I've always been a slow knitter and seem to be slowing down with age.

I attended a webinar preview of an online course, Mastering Amazon for Authors, this afternoon and it was just about over when the power went out. He was answering questions so I figure I didn't miss much. I'm tempted to sign up for the course but it isn't cheap and I don't know if I'm willing to commit to the time and effort the knowledge would demand.

One thing he emphasized is online reviews so if you've bought the book(s) online or from me, pleasepleaseplease go on Amazon and leave a review. You don't have to have bought the book on Amazon to leave a review on Amazon. Even if you didn't like the book(s), leave a review. He stressed that how many reviews a book has is one thing that prospective buyers check. So, please, do me a favor and go over there and write a review. It doesn't have to be extensive, just a few words. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.



Aunt Barb said...

Going to Amazon right now to rave about both your books. I thought you had to have bought from them to comment.

Aunt Barb said...

OK-- mission accomplished. Didn't want to use my Aunt Barb moniker because I might have appeared biased. Hope you get lots of good reviews. But how could you not? Both books are soooo good.