Friday, February 17, 2023

No More Cones

My doorbell rang just before lunch today. I opened the door to find a public service technician telling me that he was going to turn off my electricity in ten minutes for about an hour and a half so he could reconnect the new line to the meters. Okay! That meant that once he was done with the job he removed the temporary line that was lying on the ground, the CAUTION tape, and the cones, leaving a trail in the snow that should be gone tomorrow because it's supposed to get up to 40 degrees tomorrow after only getting up to 25 degrees today. But it was sunny today and is supposed to be overcast tomorrow. It's either one or the other, I guess, sunny or warmish.

Today's Daily Practice was to do tiny landscape studies. We had a picture to use as an example. I think mine turned out okay but she's stuck on doing abstract landscapes and put odd colors in hers. I didn't. I went with the predictable--blue sky & water, blue/gray/brown/black mountains, green trees.

Because the power was out I couldn't do the next Intermediate Watercolor painting today (I had an afternoon Zoom) so I turned to the next page in 365 Days of Drawing to find a prompt that said to do a watercolor painting of a plant or a still life so I got out a couple apples and an orange, posed them in a bowl, and tried my hand at painting that. I like the way it turned out. I needed a bigger bowl or smaller fruit.

After my afternoon Zoom I fired up Word and wrote a new scene for Better Than Mom's that popped into my head the other day and wouldn't leave me alone. I got it down on paper, now I just need to figure out how to wedge it into the manuscript and how to get the other characters involved. I'll figure it out, don't you worry.

At Friday Night Knitting I finished Toe Cap 2. Again I have a golfball size ball of yarn left that I don't know what I'm going to do with but can't bring myself to throw away.

Then I worked on the Trekking Sock and added an inch or so. As many times as I've knitted this mistake rib sock pattern you'd think I'd have an easy time of it but twice I managed to screw it up and had to back up stitch by stitch which knitters call tinking (tink is knit backwards) and is a small pain in the neck.

I went out after my shower and blew the snow off the driveway. I was wearing ducks so I didn't change into my boots but I should have done because I almost slipped and fell backing down the driveway pulling the snowblower with me. Next time I'll remember to change into boots.

Tomorrow is the next Saturday Market on Military and I get to hand out my new bookmarks. I hope that lots of people come and some of them buy books. Tomorrow is also the last downtown farmers market which siphons off potential customers so I'm hoping that even more people come to our little market in two weeks.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I'm with you. Trees 🌳 should be green and the sky blue. Glad you're getting some better weather. Good luck at the market today.