Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Well, I was surprised when I opened the drapes this morning that the birdbath was refrozen but it was sunny and it got up to 45 degrees this afternoon so it was mostly thawed out by evening. They're talking about us getting 3-6 inches of snow by tomorrow evening so I'm sure it'll be frozen again real soon.

There were lots of birds at the feeders this morning and just as I pushed the shutter button to take a picture of the House Finch it started to fly away so I wasn't sure what kind of shot I'd get. I got this. It's kind of like the bird's levitating in the feeder. Kinda cool

Today's Daily Practice was Fall Leaves. We had a picture of a scatter of leaves to look at and paint from. I followed her lead for part of them and went my own way for the rest. Some of them I like, others are barely okay.

On the next page of Seuss-isms was this tall creature whose name I can't remember (but it starts with Z) alongside the three-seater unicycle so that the kid on top can pet the creature's nose. It was fun to draw and I was amazed that it turned out as well as it did.

I knitted up the orange and black yarn and added on the brown and black yarn on the Ara Cashmere Cap tonight. I'm going to add at least an extra inch of hat before I start the crown decreases so that there's plenty of the brown and it doesn't look like a yarmulke on top.

After lunch I went to the grocery for supplies for Investment Cooking. The bill topped out at over $180 but it's for 9 recipes and I bought a lot of meat. (But no eggs. I got eggs at the farmers market on Saturday, farm fresh, cage free eggs for only about fifty cents more than the grocery store eggs.) I figure that's not too much money for what is essentially eight+ weeks of suppers. I'm excited to make the Moroccan Chickpea-Stuffed Acorn Squash. I haven't made that in years and it sounds so good. I try to make one meatless meal each time and one beef meal (for the iron) and the rest chicken and turkey. Lots of veggies too.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I know it's still winter up there. If I didn't see your pictures of snow, I wouldn't be able to wrap my mind around it. This is the time to live in Florida.