Friday, February 3, 2023

More Flowers

Painted ones, that is. It's too blamed cold for real flowers. Not even the hyacinth in the corner by the front porch is poking its nose out into the polar vortex that is Green Bay these days. Not for long though. They're talking about us being in the 40s midweek next week. !!!!!

All I had time to do today was paint the Daily Practice which was to glue pressed dried flowers onto a piece of tan mixed media paper and then paint flowers and leaves around them. I did it three times and I'm not sure about any of them. This is the first one...


and this is the second one. We're not going to talk about the third attempt. Not a satisfying exercise but it's taught me what I don't want to do again.


This morning there was a female Cardinal at the platform feeder for quite a while. She sat there poking and pecking at the safflower seeds while I snapped her picture. It was -8 degrees out there. Poor bird out in the freezing weather and without open water to get a drink. I had to go out and pour a little water into the birdbath just to keep the heater covered but could only add about a cup of water because that's all the space there is. Most of the water is frozen solid.


Amazon delivered the "Autographed Copy" stickers that I ordered the other day so I was able to put them on the signed books in my box. I tucked a sheet of them into my purse so that I can put them on the books at the market tomorrow. Since I had to leave early last time one of the other authors packed up my books and took them home with him. I offered to pick them up so he didn't have to deal with them but he was willing to bring them for the next market. Nice man.


I had time to draw the first flower in 10-Steps: Flowers this afternoon between Zooms. I think it turned out all right, at least you can tell it's a rose. Tomorrow I'll try out the 10-Steps: Animals book to see how I like that one.

After supper I cast on a toe cap in bulky weight yarn and finished it at Friday Night Knitting. I'm a slow knitter so it was a surprise that I got it done in 3 hours.

I wore my warmest sweater and my longies today. It was so cold this morning that I could feel it radiating through the patio door when I was doing yoga. I'm planning to wear the same thing tomorrow to the Military Ave. Market since our booth is near the door and it's supposed to be in the teens in the morning. They're saying that it'll be 30 by the end of the day but I'm not taking a chance on freezing.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That is definitely a rose 🌹 a beautiful one. That brave cardinal! Maybe she's a harbinger of the warmer weather Promised for next week. Good luck at the market today 👍.