Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Morning Sun

I got fooled this morning when I went out to fill the birdbath into thinking that today would be a sunny day.  The sun had just crested the neighbor's house and was doing its best to muscle through the thin clouds.  I should have looked over my shoulder because the sky was unrelieved gray clouds all day.  *sigh* I do so much better on a day with even part sunshine.

There were a couple of big overripe bananas in the basket so after breakfast I mixed up a batch of Rudolf's Jamaican Banana Bread and, being of sound mind, I made one little loaf and one big loaf.  I sliced the big loaf, put it into a nice container, then took it and a package of napkins down to the brewery for the working people.  So it isn't here to tempt me into eating it ALL.  The house still smells like nutmeg and brown sugar.  Mmm.

The amaryllis leaves are still going gangbusters.  From the top of the bulb to the tip of the longest leaf is 26".  Twenty-six inches!!!  I am beyond thinking I'll get a flower stalk but I'm enjoying the green leaves.

15 January--Barbara Malcolm, Spies Don't Retire. 

Silence had fallen over the other men as the two retired spies talked.  Without realizing it their voices had risen to be heard over the engine noise, so everyone became part of the secret. 
George and Dimitri looked around at the wide eyes of the other expats and, for the first time in their long careers, realized that they had blown their cover. 
Dimitri gave a long sigh. “Now I know I am too old; I would never have been so careless before.”
George looked at each man in turn. “Sorry, chaps, you’ll need to excuse a couple of old duffers and keep our secret a while longer until we straighten out with our wives.” 
Jeremy looked back at them and said, “If you’re still alive.” An uneasy laugh rumbled across the deck. 
George nodded, “If we’re still alive.” 
Even at slow speed the ride back to the dock seemed too short.  Before they knew it, Bunny had throttled back and the boat was coasting into the dock, bumping against the tires that hung there.  Gomez jumped onto the dock with a mooring line and walked the boat in.  He secured the bow and then caught the stern line that Bunny tossed him. 

They threatened us with 1-3" of snow today and so far not a flake has fallen.  I dearly hope that it has passed us by and I don't wake up to a snow-covered driveway again.  They're talking about weekend snow too.  Yuk.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

That amaryllis is amazing. Too bad there's no blossom but the leaves are making quite a show. It must be banana bread season. I baked two loaves the other day too. Fingers crossed the predicted snow misses you. Enough already!