Friday, January 10, 2020


That's what the doc says I have, have had for the last few weeks, whatever.  I've got antibiotics, probiotics, and cough gels to get me through to healthy.  I still have a bit of a sore throat and my ears are a little achy but I'm hoping that I don't wake up coughing three times tonight like I did last night.  I went to the Y this morning but T and I had a miscommunication so I just ended up walking on the treadmill for a while which was probably a good idea since my chest still feels tight when I take a deep breath.  Grr.  Give me a few days to a week and I'll feel like my old self instead of just feeling old.

My amaryllis is still making leaves and only leaves.  My friend BB has an amaryllis that's only making a flower stalk, no leaves, just stalk.  So I figure that together we have one plant--I have the leaves and she'll have the flowers.  Boo.


I knitted on the Seamen's cowl tonight.  It's a simple enough pattern that's easy to knit while I'm talking and laughing and coughing.

10 January--Barbara Malcolm, Spies Don't Retire. 

Bunny picked up the radio mic and called.  Nothing.  He twiddled knobs and called again.  No response.  Now it was getting dark quickly like it does in the tropics and things weren’t looking so good for getting home.  Dave whose dad had been a mechanic offered to help but was politely rebuffed.  Both Bunny and Gomez went below and the men could hear clanking and swearing coming from the stern, and the smell of gasoline rose on the breeze.  George leaned over the stern and saw the greasy rainbows on the water that meant leaking gas.  Bunny stomped back onto deck and turned the key.  For a moment the engine rumbled to life, then it backfired and all was silent again.
“Ja rules,” the Rasta said shaking his head, which several of the men decided was a polite way of saying shit.  Bunny tried again to raise someone on the radio but that too seemed to be possessed by demons and remained silent.  By that time the passengers had pulled on shirts as the sun was nearly down and the breeze was cooling them. 

It's supposed to snow a little overnight and then really snow on Saturday night.  Two days ago it was in the 40s.  It's no wonder everyone's got this crud.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

The tale of the two amaryllis -- each one only half a plant. Do you think they're male and female and star-crossed? At least those leaves of yours look strong and healthy. And pretty soon those two words will describe you. Glad you got some meds to nip that pesky cough in the bud. Poor George and Dimitri and their diving buddies. Sounds like trouble in paradise.