Friday, June 9, 2023

Weeds Make Flowers Too

I went out to snap a picture of the first Stella d'Oro lily to bloom this year--and saw that the weeds are blooming too.

This ground-covering weed has burst out in these pretty little white flowers that look like miniature morning glories...

...and there's a tall green weedy plant that has these pretty red violet flowers on it.

A Downy Woodpecker female landed on the tube feeder and managed to wriggle out a peanut. As soon as I snapped this she flew away with her prize.

Then a male Downy Woodpecker landed on the suet pellets. At first it was pecking on the side but a Sparrow tried to drive it away so the Downy shifted to pecking at the pellets on the bottom of the feeder.

Today was the first day that I saw a chipmunk on the patio this season. It's smaller than I remember them being and it's very skittish. I guess the Hawk is hunting and scared it.

I drew out of Things With Wings again today--a grasshopper, a duck, and a griffin. I think my griffin looks like it has a chicken head instead of an eagle head. I think the grasshopper turned out the best.

I decided to try my hand at painting a person this afternoon. I kind of like him. I guess it's a him, a her would have longer hair, I think.

I got tired of knitting so I pulled out a bag filled with soft acrylic yarn, a crochet hook, and a pattern I'd made about 10 years ago and started making a hat. The yarn is soft enough that it'll make a good chemo hat. Maybe I'll find a place to donate it/them. I say "them" because I can see making a few of these in a row.

I went for a haircut today. My stylist thought that my appointment was an hour later than it actually was so she went to lunch. Fortunately she was just across the street when her partner called her to say that I was there. She was less than half a hour late so I still got home in time for my afternoon writing Zoom. Whew.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Who decides that a weed isn't a flower? Even a dandelion makes a cute and cheerful little yellow flower. And I'm calling it a flower -- not a weed.