Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Instead of each Stella d'Oro lily plant sending out one bloom so I have a row of them, one plant has a bunch of flowers. Evidently it's the chosen flower representative for the collective. I like seeing them in a bunch but I'd like seeing a whole row of pretty yellow flowers more.

And the red day lilies are joining in. I'm a big fan of the bright yellow centers of these flowers and wish they'd bloom for more than one single day.

I went down to Zambaldi Beer to visit DS this morning. He texted that he was brewing if I wanted to come visit. I did! I got to taste the new highly citrus-ed Hazy IPA and also the Malt Liquor that he brewed with another brewery last month. I'm not much of a drinker, hardly ever drink, so having two very small servings of beer in the morning felt very decadent and it wasn't until I was finishing the Malt Liquor that I realized I was going from the brewery to the bank to open that checking account. Oops! And not a breath mint in sight. I drank some water on the way and hoped for the best. The banker didn't throw me out.

For today's drawing I turned to the next two little critters in the Draw Chibis book that DD sent for Mother's Day. I really like the way the giraffe turned out but the panda looks pretty good too.

I thought that I had a good idea for a painting. Turned out I didn't. It's a mess and I'm not putting it on here. It's that bad.

When I was visiting Lala over the weekend she said that she'd been watching Longmire on Netflix. I'm a big fan of the Longmire books so I thought I'd try the series. Now I'm hooked. I spent hours today, HOURS, watching. Not all the hours but a few of them and there are 6 seasons. I'm not through season 1 yet so it wasn't a total binge, just a little one.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I love getting hooked on a TV series -- especially when you can stream the episodes for as long as you want. Glad you found one. You and your friend can compare notes on it. Like gossiping about someone! That's always fun.