Sunday, June 25, 2023


We had rain today! Not a lot but any rain is better than no rain. The street was wet when I opened the shades this morning and it puckered up and rained around lunchtime. There was even thunder. It rained for about 20 minutes and then it sprinkled when I was coming home from the grocery an hour later. And then it quit. I got hit by about ten raindrops when I was taking a little walk this evening but nothing to hurry me along. But I'm so glad we got a little rain.

During a dry period a Cardinal came to investigate the fallen seed. He found a peanut on the patio and carried it around in his beak for a while before breaking it up and eating it.

I went back to Things With Wings for drawing practice today and drew a butterfly, an angel, a ladybug, a paper airplane, and a toucan. I know that these pictures aren't as interesting as the chibis or the Seussian drawings but for some reason drawing these figures in ink satisfies something within me. I promise to do something colorful tomorrow.

I spent the afternoon squeezing out a scene for my manuscript. It wasn't something I'd thought of before but I gave Rose a party guy for a guest. She didn't appreciate him needing a beer at breakfast. Imagine having beer and egg casserole or muffins. Ugh. But I managed almost 1500 words so it was a good afternoon.

Spending yesterday afternoon redoing my Amazon Ads Categories and Keywords has really paid off in an increase in Impressions. No Clicks or Sales yet but Impressions have increased threefold yesterday and today. That has to make a difference.

I've been obsessed with eating watermelon lately (along with my obsession with pretzel rods) so I bought a personal size watermelon at the grocery today instead of a box of precut watermelon chunks (which they were out of). On the drive home the round watermelon escaped from the bag that it was in and was rolling around in the wayback of my car. When I realized that it was loose back there my driving became very careful because I didn't want it to slam around and break open and make a mess. Happily I got it home in one piece. Tomorrow I cut it up and bag the pieces.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

An enormous and pitch black cloud hung around our neighborhood yesterday afternoon. It looked so ominous but it never did rain!! At least not on us. I'm glad you got some. Got to keep those flowers blooming in your yard.