Monday, June 12, 2023

Even More Oriole Sightings

I was so excited to see an Oriole at the jelly and the orange not once but three times today. I'm not going to put three separate bird shots on here (you're welcome!), I'll just pick one representative picture. It's unusual for the Oriole to be hanging around like this. Usually he's here a few days and then gone so I'm really enjoying this.

The Cardinal landed on the ground and pecked around in the fallen seed this morning. I saw him another time on the platform feeder but wasn't fast enough with the camera.

The peony buds are opening. They're so pretty and so short-lived. I love the contrast between the rich red-violet of the flowers and the green of the foliage.

I finished my first pass through Things With Wings today with drawings of 2 swans, 2 cardinals, and 2 turkeys. I think the swans turned out the best.

Then I flipped to the next page in Drawing Cute to find milk and lemonade. Seems like odd things to draw but I did it and I like them.

When I pulled out the painting supplies I decided to see if I couldn't paint a sunset like we did in the workshop last month. I forgot to draw a low circle for the moon and didn't add in the distant headland so all I've got is sky and water but I kind of like it. It won't win any prizes but I like the colors.

This morning I looked out the front window and saw something white fluttering in the grass so I went out to pick it up thinking it was litter. It was a feather. I think it's an owl feather. I don't know if it's legal for me to possess an owl feather but it was too pretty to leave out there. (Nope, I just looked it up. It's not legal to have it unless I have a permit so I guess I'll have to take it outside and let it go. Too bad.)

Tonight I finished the Guac & Black Hat while I watched Antiques Roadshow. It's a little big. Maybe I'll have to go down a hook size to make a better size hat. Thanks, KE, for the suggestion to pick up crochet again!

This afternoon I sat down and banged out another The Seaview 2 scene, one where Rose kicks Iggy out because he won't move in permanently. They have a disagreement and she invites him to leave. Now I have fodder for more scenes where she's missing him. Thank goodness because words have been thin on the ground lately.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I won't tell on you if you keep that owl feather. I doubt the owl will miss it and it's too pretty to just toss. Maybe you can paint a picture of it. Then you'd have it legally and forever.