Friday, June 23, 2023

Lots of Roses

I looked out at Dad's rose today and was amazed that almost all of the buds that were so tightly closed when I took pictures last week have opened. There are three clusters of roses and the fragrance is divine.

The Stella d'Oro lilies are still going strong too. Each flower only lasts a day but there are lots of buds on the plants and lots of flowers to enjoy.

I filled all of the birdfeeders this morning and spilled a bit of seed on the patio. This Catbird found the spilled seed and made short work of it. I like his sleek gray feathers and his black cap. Also the jaunty tilt of his tail.

This Sparrow was the first bird to arrive after the feeders got filled. I don't know how they get the message although I have long suspected that the Chickadees are the messengers. They're usually the first to arrive at a filled feeder and they always have something to say. I haven't seen a Hummingbird in weeks or an Oriole in about a week but their food disappears so they must be coming in the early morning before I'm up.

I'm working my way, page by page, through 20 Ways to Draw a Jellyfish so today we have a walrus, an angelfish, a whale, a clownfish, and a crab. They're fun to draw.

From Draw 500 Amazing Sea Creatures I  have a pufferfish, a sea turtle, and a seashell. Not quite as much fun to draw but I do like the way the turtle turned out.

At Friday Night Knitting I added a couple rounds to the Rainbow Brioche Beanie and got almost done with the Toast & Cream Hat. Crocheting goes much faster than knitting. I'm glad I took KE's advice and got out my crochet hook because my knitting mojo seems to be at an all-time low. It'll come back but for now I'll crank out a few charity hats.

It got up to 90 today. Ugh. I'm glad that I went out to water the flowers and fill the feeders before it got that hot. It's supposed to cool down to the high 70s on Sunday and rain on Monday. That will be awesome. We really need rain. Like a whole week of nice, steady rain. Next week I need to mow the weeds in the lawn. The grass isn't growing in this drought but the weeds are thriving. Go figure.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That catbird looks just like an iron doorstop I found on one of my many visits to thrift stores. I too love the tilt of his tail. Like a bigger version of a wren. Those little guys are still my favorite.