Tuesday, June 13, 2023

For Three Straight Days

I've worn a hoodie to stay warm. It's been in the 50s, maybe crept up into the low 60s, and today it drizzle rained all day. Hooray! We really need the rain but we don't need it to be this chilly. It's supposed to get into the 70s tomorrow, then back into the 60s, then into the 80s. It's like the thermometer is on a yo-yo.

Because of the constant rain I didn't go out to take pictures of the blooming flowers on the retaining wall. Instead I took pictures from the safety and shelter of the patio door so they're not the sharpest focus but you can see that there are flowers. First we have the yellow iris which is still going strong. I'll go up tomorrow to see how many buds are left to open.

Then there's the lone Stella d'Oro lily plant that's blooming so far. A bunch of others have buds but this is the only one blooming.

The only birds I saw today looked like they'd been through the car wash. None of them held still long enough to have a picture taken. They all pecked at the nearly empty feeders and then moved on.

These are from Draw 500 Flowers. I'm not sure that I like these lollipop flowers but they're what was on the next page so that's what I drew. I'm a sheep, what can I say.

I took Aunt B's advice and tried my hand at painting the owl feather. It's not terrible. Okay, yes it is and it's out of focus but it's today's effort. Alright, I just went and took another shot and this one isn't out of focus. I'll delete the other one. And when it stops raining I'll put the owl feather back outside. Cross my heart.

I sat down to watch Jeopardy! this evening (guessed the Final Jeopardy! too), picked up the crochet hook, and cast on another hat. I got pretty far in a couple hours. I'm halfway through. Crochet is much faster than knitting.

I broke down and turned the furnace back on. The house had gotten so chilly that I was uncomfortable and I wasn't going to sit huddled under a blanket when I could flip a switch and be warm(er). It's crazy to need the furnace on in June but by the weekend I'm sure I'll have the air conditioner back on. I hope this isn't a harbinger of things to come.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

Yo-Yo temperatures indeed. Crazy to have to turn on the furnace in June but you gotta do what you gotta do. Congrats on getting the Final Jeopardy answer. I missed it but when I do get it right, it's so satisfying. Good for you.