Thursday, June 29, 2023

A Lily Day

When I went out to refill the birdbath after a Robin splashed out most of the water I noticed that the orange day lilies on the west edge of the backyard have started to bloom. There's a trash tree growing at the lot line that overshadows them. I might have to go out this weekend with the loppers and cut it back so they get more sunlight and I can mow without getting smacked in the face with branches.

In front the red day lily is continuing to bloom. I wish I could paint these. Maybe I'll give it another try.

And Dad's rose, while not a lily, is still blooming. Most of the blossoms in the clusters are fading and the petals are falling but I did find this one rose that's still looking good.

Another Downy Woodpecker landed on the patio umbrella today and then it flew over to the platform feeder. Finally it flew to the suet pellets feeder which is completely empty but it spent a little time hanging upside down poking around in the mesh for crumbs.

I drew the next Chibis today--a goat and a hamster. I think the goat doesn't look like a goat but I like the hamster and its chubby cheeks.

Later in the afternoon I pulled out my paints and tried my hand at a skyscape. I probably should have added a couple birds to the sky but I didn't. There isn't a lot to it but parts of it please me. That white heap is supposed to be a big cloud. It's terrible, I see that now.

While watching a little TV tonight I started another crocheted hat, this one in gray and purple. I kind of wish I'd used a dark red for the accent color but I'm too far into it to rip it out and start again. Next time.

In addition to the heat (it hit 89 today), the humidity has arrived. It seems cruel that we have to have it hot, humid, and smoky. I was going to take a walk after supper but it hadn't really cooled off much and was still muggy and smoky so I bailed. Stupid smoke. 


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

It's hot and humid down here too but at least we don't have smoke! Can't believe that is still hanging around. Is that fire going to burn forever?