Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Orange Is My New Favorite Color

Not really but I was ecstatic to see the Oriole on both of my feeders this afternoon and I even was able to take pictures. The one shot I got of it on the feeder out the kitchen sink window is pretty fuzzy but the Oriole stayed on the crook and then the other feeder for long enough for me to take several shots. I'm at the point where I recognize his song so when I hear those clear notes I hurry out to see if he's visible. He's so elegant looking.


The Downy Woodpecker came to the suet cakes but didn't stay long enough for a picture and the Bluejay paid his usual lightning visit to the birdbath for a sip and instantly flew away. I swear he knows that I want a picture of him and does it just to spite me.


Also orange is the color of the poppies blooming on the side of the house. I caught them just in time as you can see that they look like they won't be around tomorrow.


So I painted a poppy this afternoon while I waited (impatiently) for the air conditioner tech to come do tuneups on both units. I like the way the painting turned out and the tech arrived only 2 hours after he was supposed to be here BUT he did get my unit serviced in time for me to leave for a 6 o'clock date with LC and OJ.


I passed the time drawing. First I picked a few pages of Draw 20 Butterflies and drew a heron on a nest, a flying pig, a swallow, and a pelican.


Then I pulled out Seuss-isms and drew The Cat in the Hat juggling all sorts of crazy things while balancing on a big red ball. Not my best work but it was fun.


I finished rereading my manuscript today too and think that it might work. Now I just have to write the rest of the story. I have to figure it out and then write it. Easy to say, not so easy to do.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

I agree that at least for today, orange is my favorite too. Love, love, love the picture of the oriole. What a beautiful bird. And even the fading poppies add to the wonderfulness of your back yard.