Wednesday, June 28, 2023


I went down to the downtown library this afternoon to sort books and there weren't any. Not one bag or box or pile or book. So I went downtown, paid for an hour's parking, turned right around, and came home. Oh well.

I spent the morning goofing off on the computer. Checking emails, reading emails, checking my Amazon ads marketing page to see if anything was happening (a couple clicks but still no more sales). I took a shower and got dressed which some days (like today) feels like an accomplishment.

Drawing today was out of 20 Ways to Draw a Tree, so all nature things like a bird, a stemmed flower, and a fern. The fern drawing got big so it kind of took up most of the page. I don't know how that happened.

A Downy Woodpecker landed on the patio umbrella and sat there for quite a
while. It looked around and didn't fly over to the suet cakes so I'm not sure why it visited. Just touring the neighborhood, I guess.

I spent a bit of the day working on another manuscript scene. This one only managed to get to 500 words before the idea ran out but 500 is better than zero.

DS called as I was just getting home from the library so say that his afternoon was kind of blowing up and would I be willing to get the kids from camp and take them home. Of course! The funny thing is that I had the thought this morning that one of these days he'd call to ask me that very thing. Woo, precognition. It was kind of freaky.


1 comment:

Aunt Barb said...

That sweet little woodpecker kinda matches the color of your umbrella. Glad you could help out and pick up the kids at camp. They're lucky to have you right there -- and you're lucky too. A win-win!