Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Not My Finest Day

Art-wise, anyway. I wasn't really happy with either of my artistic efforts today. I know that I'm better than today's output. The drawing from the 15-Minute Artist book was a cupcake. Not hard to draw but it was supposed to be done with oil pastels. I tried, I really did, but ended up tearing out the sheet, throwing it away, and having another go at it with colored pencils. It isn't much better.

I didn't have any better luck when I dragged out the watercolors in the afternoon. I tried to follow the directions in the how-to book but ended up with this dreck. Maybe I need to do more practice laying washes down. No maybe about it, I do.

The Cardinals came to the feeder again today. They like to show up when it's sunny outside. I don't blame them, I like it best when it's sunny out there too. First the male came and then the female but not together.

There was another egg for me today so I got to have a Grandma Angermeier open-face fried egg sandwich for supper. There isn't a picture because I gobbled it up while it was hot and didn't think to take its picture until it was all gone. Then it was too late. What a pity.

Last night I started a new sock with some really pretty yarn. The colorway is Barn Owl and I really like it. The yarn is very thin so it's going to take lots and lots of stitches to make any headway. This is the result of tonight's TV knitting, three hours' worth. Not much progress but it's a start.

I folded the laundry today and put it away. I confess that it had been quite a while since I'd done the wash, the chute was full, and now all the dresser drawers are full. There are no pictures, you know what clean laundry looks like.

I didn't find anything to toss today, I didn't even look, just wasn't in the mood.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

You're being too hard on yourself. Both your efforts look good to me -- especially the watercolor. Kinda dreamy. Isn't watercolor supposed to be that way?