Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Splish Splash

Imagine my surprise when I saw a Robin taking a bath in the birdbath this afternoon. It wasn't particularly cold today--43 degrees was the high--but too chilly to bathe outdoors, for me anyway. But the Robin was enthusiastically splashing away. It must have felt good to get clean.

Look at how yellow this Goldfinch is! I was stunned to see it pecking away at the seed in the feeder and being surprisingly yellow. Most of the Goldfinches have a little haze of yellow around their heads but this guy is going for it.

And the Cardinal showed up for his daily sort through the safflower seeds on the platform feeder. A couple House Finches tried to get him to share but he wasn't in the mood. He drove them away.

The Page-a-day Art Gallery page today is a Georgia O'Keefe painting of a squash blossom so I decided to see what I could do with it as my watercolor of the day. Not bad. I'm no Georgia O'Keefe but I think it looks like what it's supposed to be.

I'm less pleased with today's drawing of a bee. I made the body too round so it looks like it has a glandular problem but I think the legs turned out okay.

I've been working on (and struggling with) trying to get a novel manuscript formatted to put on Kindle and maybe Print On Demand paperback. I Zoomed with a new friend, HB, who has books on Kindle and she was a big help. Then I found Kindle Create on Amazon with a good tutorial so I feel like I made some strides today or at least I lowered my frustration level. What I really need is someone to sit by me and guide me through this step by step until I can do it myself. I made a sketch from a photograph of the beach hotel that started the whole fantasy that is the basis for the novel. Maybe I can make it good enough to use as cover art. Or maybe I'll find a real artist.

Today's toss was a package of disposable razors that had gotten shoved back in a drawer in the bathroom.

We're supposed to have overcast and 61 degrees tomorrow. I'm confident that the overcast will come but not so sure if the temperature will be up there. Guess time will tell. Wish us luck. With temps like that maybe the patio glacier will melt.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I want to be first in line when your novel is published. And I want to check in to that hotel there in the islands. I know you'll make it all happen.