Saturday, March 5, 2022

Thunder, Lightning & Rain

 That's what's going on right now. Thunder, lightning, and rain in Green Bay on March 5. It didn't get as warm today as they threatened, only into the mid-30s, but it's warm enough for it to rain and not snow. Will it stay this warm and melt the glacier on the patio that even now is becoming an ice rink? Probably not. It rained a bit during the day so I could get a picture of the raindrops on the birdbath.

You'll never guess what I found in the front of the house--a green sprout. Usually the hyacinth that's nestled in the corner where the house and porch come together is the first to emerge but there's no sign of it. However this tulip, I think, is poking its nose up into the air. I hope it doesn't get frost nipped.

The Cardinal made a short visit just before I started doing yoga this morning. I confess that it was late morning, almost eleven o'clock. For some reason I just couldn't bestir myself to do it earlier but I managed to get it done before noon.

At about the same time the Downy Woodpecker male flew over to the suet cakes. Naturally it didn't stay upright so that I got a picture that included its head but turned sideways and stayed that way. Uncooperative.

I spent a lot of today formatting last November's NaNoWriMo manuscript. I finished it after supper and still don't have a clear idea of where to go next but I'm glad that I reread it so now it's in my head again and I'm sure an idea is rattling around in there somewhere.

My heart sank when I turned to the next drawing in the 15-Minute Artist book. It was cat's eyes and nose. Just that, no other parts of the animal just eyes staring out of the page. Oh well, I played along and they turned out okay, I think, for someone who doesn't have the pet gene.

I had more fun drawing the Bonus Challenge of the cube lesson in the 30 Days book. You were supposed to draw five cubes that overlapped. I did that and then I drew little windows in the cubes and made little peepers looking out. I called it Peeper-ville. It was fun. I like it. I also like that it was the first time that I've had an idea for "extras" that weren't a copy of someone else's idea. Go, me!

When I made my gratitude list one of the items was "tax prep" which did not impress me as appropriate for a gratitude journal page. I was glad to get it done (thanks for the reminder, CS!) because for once I had just about everything I needed to fill out the work page from my accountant and had taken the time to write down all of the tax deductible expenses from the check register a few weeks ago. I subbed in "navel orange snack" because I wasn't at all sure how to draw the taxes anyway.

Today's toss was going to be the Pack and Play. I texted my neighbor with the new baby asking if they'd like it but they have one so she's going to poll the grandmas to see if they need it before it goes to St. Vincent de Paul.

I thought maybe the storm was over but there was just a big rumble of thunder so I guess we're not done with unseasonable weather for the night.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

A pink bird and now a green sprout. Springtime is definitely trying to appear. I want to visit Peeper-ville. Maybe you could write a story about the Peepers who live in Peeper-ville.