Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Mid-Week Slump

It was overcast and dreary today and that's how I felt too. A Goldfinch landed on the platform feeder and sat there for the longest time all puffed up against the cold but I could see that it had barely started to change from drab to yellow. A sign of impending Spring!


One of the squirrels paid a visit to the suet pellets. It hung there for a lot less time than usual then dropped to the ground and immediately leaped back up. Maybe it had lost its grip the first time.


Drawing went better today. Or maybe I should say that I was happier with my output today. This was the thirtieth and last lesson in the Draw Squad book so I put it on the shelf and pulled out the You Can Draw In 30 Days book. That one starts with the real basics--draw a circle, shade it so it looks like a sphere, and do it again. I even started a fresh sketchbook for drawing those figures in. I spent most of the afternoon drawing to keep from stuffing my face. When I'm bored I tend to want to eat and I've gained back 10 lbs. so I have to get serious about not snacking. Really, Barbara, seriously.

I pulled out the watercolors again today but only to practice washes. I painted two pieces of watercolor paper, one with a graduated wash (which wasn't particularly successful) and a variegated wash (which was). There are no pictures.

Oh! This morning I spied a Bluejay on the cob corn but it was gone in the blink of an eye. No time to reach for the camera much less snap a photo, so I drew a big Bluejay on my paltry, three-item gratitude journal page for today.

Today's toss was a couple bags of old stamps still stuck to pieces of envelopes. Years ago I was going to soak them off and use the stamps for a craft project. Not anymore. I wonder if anyone under the age of seventy collects stamps these days.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

I still love stamps. But then I'm way past seventy so no wonder! Hope you have a better day today. XXXXX