Sunday, March 13, 2022

Two Inches

That's how much snow we woke up to and, yes, I remembered to spring my clocks forward. I'm not going to launch into my semi-annual anti-Daylight-Savings-Time rant. You've all heard it before so I'll spare you the repeat. The snow was the light, powdery kind so it was easy to shovel. I could have left it on the driveway because by mid-afternoon it was 43 degrees and blazing sunshine so almost all of the new snow had melted. I don't regret shoveling, it's good exercise.

The figure in today's lesson in the You Can Draw in 30 Days book was a koala, a cartoon koala. It was fun and easy to draw, then the Bonus Challenge was to draw a whole cluster of them in a "window." That was fun too.

I had high hopes that the sunset today would be a colorful one. It was more pastel than vivid but I was glad to see the colors in the sky.

Today's toss was a pin that I found in a box lying on a shelf. I figure if I haven't worn the pin in the five years (or more) that I've had it I won't be wearing it ever. Maybe someone else will love it.

I spent the evening watching back to back episodes of Bridgerton so that I'm ready and refreshed when the next season launches on March 25.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Love your koalas -- especially the teeny tiny one barely peeking through at the bottom. Sounds like you had a change of season all in one day -- winter in the morning and spring by afternoon.