Sunday, March 20, 2022

Officially Spring

Today was the first day of Spring and it acted like it. It got up to 55 degrees and was sunny all day. And like Spring the weather's about to change. According to the weather on my phone it's supposed to rain for the next four days. Yippee. That is why I went to the grocery today where it wasn't too crowded and I got everything but one item on my list.

The Sparrows were busy at the feeder this morning. The ones that sit on the perches peck through the seed and toss quite a bit of it onto the ground where the Doves and the chipmunks gobble it up. A Robin came to the backyard too but it didn't get close enough to the patio to have its picture taken. It was poking around in the grass like it was hunting for worms but I'd be very surprised if the worms were in the mood to come to the surface just yet. I imagine that the ground is still frozen.

I'm still in the H lesson of the 3-D drawing book and today's figure was a House for Mice. The big cheese was fun to draw and the mice were fun to draw too.

After lunch I decided to dive in and cook the first recipe of this bout of Investment Cooking, Lentils & Rice. To start you cut two great big onions into pieces and brown them which makes the kitchen smell great and makes me cry. I end up stirring the fry pan and mopping my tears. I've always been sensitive to the onion odor and frying that big pan full hits me to the max, but they taste so good. This recipe isn't very photogenic but it's yummy, and the first of eight recipes is done, portioned, and in the freezer. Only seven more to go. What'll I make tomorrow?

Once the cooking was done for the day I pulled out my paints and did today's watercolor. A lot of the pictures that I sorted out are water and sky pictures so I might be improving one of these days.

The sunny day was the first item on my gratitude list for today, followed by my Yeti of hot coffee. I enjoyed my grocery shopping so that made it too. It surprised me a bit that I thought of grocery shopping as something to be grateful for but it was satisfying so it went on the list.

I found another razor that looked like it had never been used in the bathroom vanity so that's today's toss.

I went over to DS's this evening to pick up a load of Girl Scout cookies for some of my knitting friends. They'll be here on Thursday to knit so I thought I'd save DIL1 the delivery trip. I got there just as LC and OJ finished showering so I got to hug damp but very clean children. They smelled great, but then I think that they always do. Heaven.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

All the pictures today are wonderful -- even the lentils and onions. You're really a talented girl -- painting, drawing, cooking, writing - I could go on and on. Love those little mice in the big cheese.