Monday, March 14, 2022

An Art Day

I decided to take the paintbrush by the horns and brave it out on a tiny piece of watercolor paper today. I dug out a photo I liked and had at it. This is not much to look at but I like the way the flowers look. I decided to emulate RSC, a poet I know, who did a tiny watercolor every day and got better all the time. Number one is in the bag. I ordered a stack of postcard sized watercolor paper from Michaels so I'll have no excuses.

I saw lots of birds today--Cardinals, Sparrows, lots of Goldfinches, Mourning Doves, and that lone Junco--but only managed to snap one photograph. This Goldfinch kind of blends in with the background but you can see that it's turning from winter avocado green to summer yellow.

The next figure in Lesson H of the 3-D book was Hiccup Headquarters. What is that? It looks like a kind of phone booth to me. I was glad for the 2-point perspective practice because I got to use my ruler to stay on track.

After that I turned to the next lesson in the 30 Days book which was the rose. Just because I wanted to keep drawing. If you ask me it's an odd looking rose but if he wants to call it that he's the artist so he gets to say. I liked drawing the flag more.

I decided not to continue the mistake rib pattern of the sock leg onto the top of the foot of the Barn Owl sock. See the cool color pooling that it made when I worked the heel? Now it looks like it's settling back down to striping like it did on the leg.

My favorite thing on my gratitude journal page is the Canada goose. I was lucky to hear one goose honk this morning while having breakfast. Only one and I didn't see the goose just heard its call.

Today's toss was another writing daily affirmation book. I've tried to get inspired by the readings but it never really worked for me. I'm confident that the right person is out there.

I went to ALDI before lunch for bananas and ended up buying Cara Cara oranges, grapes, blueberries, graham crackers, chocolate ice cream, AND bananas. Good thing I decided to take in 2 reusable shopping bags. I can't resist ALDI's fruit.

It was overcast all day today so the snow melted very slowly in the 36 degree weather. I just heard from a friend that they had 4" of snow in Door County today. Glad it missed us.


1 comment:

Aunt B said...

What's that quote? "A rose by any other name....." Your rose is definitely a rose! And your watercolor is wonderful. You're getting better every day!