Saturday, October 21, 2017

No, I Didn't Fall In A Hole

I don't know what my problem was this week but as you probably noticed getting here to write a blog post didn't seem to be a priority.  I feel like I was busy every day but darned if I can tell you what with.  I get a pass on Tuesday because we had out-of-town company but Thursday?  *shrugs*  I don't have a clue.  Durwood had a doc's appointment in the morning and on the way home (all the way across town, probably all of 6 miles) I stopped at the library to get a book I'd reserved, at the dry cleaners to take back the hangers from Durwood's dry cleaned coats (I'm not keeping wire hangers with flimsy plastic toupees on them), and to the grocery store pharmacy to pick up a prescription and get our flu shots.  That's it!  Flu shots always make me feel achy and sore, I'm sure that the excuse, uh, I mean, reason I haven't posted since Wednesday.  Yeah, that's it.


I finally managed to finish the navy linen Dress No. 1 with the floral yoke.  I cut this one dress length and, to be honest, I think I'll take it downstairs after supper and cut off the extra and make it the same as the previous ones.  It hangs below my knees at that dowdy, hits at just the wrong spot length.  

Do you notice anything different about this picture?  No?  Well the sun rose much closer to the tree all summer and now it's moved over by the roof of the house.  In a month or so I'll have to go out the front door to take its picture.  *sigh*  It's so warm and nice in the mornings that I'm still doing patio yoga which, as much as I like it, makes me think that the bill for this extended nice weather will come due soon.

Speaking of sunrises, I was up early crossing the Mason St. bridge the other day and couldn't resist whipping out my phone to take this picture.  If I wasn't having to pay attention to the other cars and try not to run into the barrier I could frame it better but, trust me, this was worth getting up early for.  Once again, I wish I lived some place where I had a longer view of the sky.  Some day.

October 21--Luigi Loir, Urban Scene with People.  Gerald walked away from his office, his briefcase dangling from his hand like a ball on a chain.  He kept his gaze far ahead so he wouldn't make eye contact with anyone.  That time of year the day faded early and the streetlights and neon signs flickered on as he walked.  The people faded too, turned gray and nondescript in the waning daylight, some taking on a greenish cast as they passed under The Playhouse's marquee.  Who ever imagined that it was a good idea to put green bulbs where they shone on people's faces?  Gerald watched a man coming toward him leaning on building facades as if blown by strong winds.  He struggled forward pressing his shoulder against the slick marble.  No one else paid attention to the man as he slid to his knees, then fell forward never to move again.

Well, that's cheerful.  It is so warm in the house that even Durwood has the patio door wide open.  I just don't understand the weather these days.  (man, that sounds old, doesn't it?)  Time to make sure the leftovers I promised Durwood we'd have for supper tonight are still edible.  They should be, I remember cooking them and my memory's so bad these days it means they're not that old.  Ta-ta.

1 comment:

Aunt B said...

Yay - you're back. Nancy and I missed you yesterday but carried on with our plan to visit "Henry" and "Thomas" and had a fun day. Perfect weather. Did a little antique shopping too. Fun weekend all the way around.